Chapter 251 - Invasion(Part 17)

Point-of-View: Alexis Tucker


"Give up and accept your fate, wench! You do not have a prayer against me, so just die!" Came the Demon's voice from inside the floating ship, as I zipped around through the air, evading the relentless cannon fire and countering with lightning blasts.

But my attacks weren't having much of an effect on it...that ship, with the Demon safely inside it, is a real pain to deal with, it's way too durable. Attacking it is futile, and any little damage that I do inflict to the ship doesn't last, it quickly repairs itself.

And in all likelihood, damaging it doesn't affect the Demon at all...tch, guess I've gotta play the long game here, talk about a nuisance. This is gonna take some time to pull off, but I don't really have any other options, I have to bide my time.