Are You Afraid of the Punishments?

Minutes by minutes passed by again. Finally, Eriwan felt his climax sensation having drawn to a close.

"Aarrgghhkk, Erito… Here it comes…"

Erito separated their bodies immediately. He moved his mouth towards his elder brother's manhood device really quickly, and competently took off the safety pacifier worn by his elder brother. Once his mouth had reached his elder brother's device, his elder brother squirted it inside his mouth totally and wholly.

Eriwan sighed and moaned with his long voice once he reached the climax of his satisfaction. He looked down again. He also grew his wide smile once he saw his younger brother swallowing all his vital manhood quintessence.

"You also swallowed all of mine. Are you serious?" chuckled Eriwan in his great exultance and jovialness.

"Now, yours is already inside my body and mine is also already inside your body. This is the proof we have owned each other. You must not leave me starting from now on. I think I can't survive anymore without you…" said Erito hugging his elder brother's body.

"I also want to say the same thing, Erito. Don't leave me starting from now on. We're getting deeper and deeper. Without you, I don't think I can stay alone for too long." Eriwan also hugged his younger brother's nude body.

Both of them were full of perspiration all over their bodies. They kept hugging each other inside the elder brother's bedroom, on the elder brother's bed, under the air conditioner blowing its fresh air towards the two brothers' wet bodies.

"Do you think we can be punished for this incest relationship of ours? Do you think we can be dragged to hell as one of our punishments?" asked Eriwan in his deep, soft, gentle, hoarse voice.

"No idea… I think many people, many sides will oppose us. Suppose there will be a great punishment waiting for us ahead, suppose we will be dragged to hell in the future, are you afraid?" asked Erito.

Eriwan smiled a bit and he shook his head. "No… I'm not… I'm not alone… I'm always together with the person I love. What should I be afraid of? How about you?"

Erito also smiled a bit and shook his head. "No… As long as we're together, I think there's nothing we can't settle. Oh, Eriwan… I think I can take you away from here, away from all the people who won't understand us, away from the society who will judge us unfairly. They're not gonna get us…"

Eriwan's hand was lifted up. He kept caressing his younger brother's head, going on to his nude neck and nude shoulders.

"Where will we go?" asked Eriwan with his gentle and soft voice.

"Somewhere very far from here… There's nobody knowing us there… Somewhere the marriages between gays like us are legalized… Somewhere we won't be judged unfairly… Somewhere we can be accepted as who we really are…"

"You've got that long term of plan inside your mind, haven't you? Do you love me that much?" Eriwan burst out in laughter. He tried to tell a joke to his younger brother again.

"Of course… How about you? You don't love me that much?" Erito's face began to turn slightly sad and disappointed.

"Of course I do, Erito… I was just kidding please… Please don't be upset…" Eriwan kissed his younger brother's lips again.

"How about Dad and Mom? Delwyn Anderson is very sly and cunning. He's been aiming at you all these times. He will certainly expose our relationship to Dad and Mom… Furthermore, you've also rejected the condition and the requirement he mentioned…" mumbled Erito again still hiding himself inside his elder brother's embrace.

Eriwan sighed in his deep long voice before he replied, "Yeah… He went on saying that we couldn't be together, we might not love and adore each other because we're biological siblings. He kept on saying that he was the one who was more suitable to me. He went on asking me to leave you, to let go of my love and feeling to you. He even mentioned the bad impact and damage we could cause to Frias big family, Frias & Co Enterprise, as well as Frias & Friends Museum if we insist on our relationship and togetherness."

"It's dreadfully disgraceful! How dare he!" screamed Erito immensely furiously.

"He said he still wanted to expose our relationship to Dad and Mom if I didn't want to sleep with him for one night…" said Eriwan smiling shyly, in his slightly embarrassed fashion.

An army of agitation as well as fear slunk once again into the quagmire of Erito's thought and consideration.

Erito got intensely agitated and fearful. "You did reject him, didn't you? You didn't agree to give yourself to him, did you?"

Eriwan seemed to think deeply about that. "If I don't agree with what he asks from me, he won't let us free. He will keep disturbing and interfering in our life, Erito…"

Erito shouted in his long and high voice while hugging his elder brother. He was really scared. He was really terrified.

"No… No… No… I don't want you to get onto his bed. You're mine, Eriwan… You're mine… You've just promised me… Have you forgotten that?"

Eriwan burst out in his soft and gentle laughter. Taunting and making fun of his younger brother was one of the exhilarating things for him to do.

"I was just kidding, Erito… Don't worry… I rejected him… I know I'm always yours…"

"For God's sake, Eriwan… You've made me scared and nearly lost my breath many and many times. You must be punished. You must be punished with this," said Erito. Suddenly he grabbed his elder brother's manhood device gently.

Eriwan screamed in his enjoyment and pleasure. "Stop it please… Stop it… Please forgive me, Erito… Please forgive me… I was just kidding inasmuch as I'm very happy to see you get jealous because of me…"

"I don't care… I want to punish you right now… I want to top you right now…"

Eriwan seemed to think about that for a while and then he grinned widely.

"Okay then… Up to you… We will spend the rest of the night on this bed, won't we?" asked Eriwan again.

"Yeah, of course… We'll go on exploring, loving, and adoring each other's bodies continuously, repeatedly, and endlessly, shall we?"

"Yeah, I want to see how many rounds you can top me… If you've been weary and tired, it'll be my turn to top you… Anyway, do we have the enough stocks of safety pacifiers?" asked the elder brother smiling naughtily again.

"Definitely… I just stocked the safety pacifiers quite a couple of days ago…" said Erito beginning to kiss, lick and suck his elder brother's lips, jawline, down to his neck and his collarbones.

"Okay then… You can have me right now…" said Eriwan in his enjoyment.

Because they had done it quite several times and they went on changing their top as well as bottom positions, it wasn't difficult for them to have their intercourse in many various styles as well as positions.

This time around, while pumping his elder brother from behind, Erito kept caressing his elder brother's chest, stomach and even his nipples endlessly – with all his love and his lust. Then, he also jerked off his elder brother's manhood device from behind.

Sighing each other's names, both of them were crawling steadily to the peak of their intercourse.

Both Eriwan and Erito rejoiced within their deep love and lust towards each other for the long endless continuous night.