El Will Protect Nusa

The cold night wind didn't make the man in the hoodie feel a little cold, he looked like he was steel-skinned. He looked up at the slightly overcast sky with a straight look.


The soft exclamation began to greet his ears perfectly, making him have to turn to the source of the sound with a straight face. "Sit down," he said while sliding his ass, making room for one girl to sit.

"Why did you ask me to come here? It's late, aren't you afraid of being kidnapped or robbed? I'm scared, Bara." said the girl while sitting next to El, she rubbed her arms using both her hands. Wearing only a cardigan wrapped in a short-sleeved shirt, she was naturally cold.

El raised one eyebrow. "Isn't it possible?"

"It's not like that, duh, it's hard to talk to you." The girl looked nervous while scratching the back of her neck which was not itchy. She groaned in her heart, how could she ask such a question? A basic curiosity that never fades!

El raised his head, looking back up at the sky. "Just go home, Sa," he said without the slightest sense of guilt. He just wanted to be accompanied by someone for the night, but when he found that person, he became uncomfortable and a little awkward, so he immediately kicked him out.

The girl, Nusa is now starring in wonder right next to the man. "You bastard, ungrateful!" She shouted while pinching El's waist hard, feeling exasperated with a man who likes to arrange things as she pleases.

Nusa came all the way here by motorbike, at night too. She gave Rehan a silly excuse if she wanted to buy fried rice at the end of her housing complex. And after arriving at the destination, did not produce anything? And immediately expelled? She felt like punching El in the face right now. Ah yes, Nusa does not have the courage strong enough to do that.

El gasped. He was busy feeling the gust of wind on his face. Cold, that's how he felt. No, not a chill that pierced his nerves, but a chill that soothed his heart. Previously, he entrusted all of Alvira's requests to Reza. His best friend seemed to ask for further access to approach his sister.


"How long have you been keeping Alvira on hold for so long and holding back someone who wants to try to get close to your sister? I mean, Alvira also needs someone who can heal her from her old wounds, El." Reza said while showing a small smile. Men's stamps from crocodiles to lizards were familiar to him, but... this time and for Alvira he was serious. Yes, if you don't mean it, you will break your bones because of El's actions.

El returned his flat expression. "So, what do you want?" Back to ask.

"I want to be the person who is always there for Alvira like what you have always been afraid of, the one who looks after Alvira besides you and if at one point you are not there for her, let me take turns looking after her."

Not wanting to reply to Reza's words, El sighed. "It's too late, Reza. Forget it because we're talking unimportant like this," he said, not wanting to talk about it anymore. He was just afraid that his best friend would hurt the girl he had been guarding for so long. The girl he loves the most in every second of his life, the second girl after Almira who keeps his priority position.

Reza looked at El with eyes that showed doubled seriousness. "You are afraid that I will hurt Alvira like Bian, right? Are you sure I will repeat the same thing as Bian hurt your sister?" he asked seriously, even his eyes were glued.

"Yes," El replied while nodding his head.

"How long have you known me, El?"

"Do not remember."

"Okay, change the question. How well do you know my nature?"


"You are still arguing that I will hurt Alvira as Bian did to her before, right?"

El gasped. He restrained his emotions so as not to hurt his best friend. Bian, the name just called could make him lose control. Because according to him, someone who has made a mistake will never be forgiven even to the point of apologizing.

"El, answer my question. Yes, I know I'm a playboy. I like to change girls, and maybe I like to share stories but then leave."

"Yes, it is in your nature."

"But for me, Alvira is different. I'm in love, I want to change and show something different."

"Any guarantees?"

"You can hit me as much as you want if one day Alvira cries more than she is happy."

El raised an eyebrow, then smiled. "No, I'll give you a chance," he said while patting Reza's shoulder twice.

At that moment, Reza jumped for joy like a child who was given a new toy for his father. His serious face seemed to have disappeared again with a silly face that when compared to Mario would look the same. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I swear, I didn't lie!" he shouted and moved to hug El.

"I'm not gay and don't ever hug me, I'll hit you!"

Throwback off

The image came back to haunt him. After all, what's wrong with letting Reza try? Come to think of it, if his best friend managed to melt Alvira's heart, surely his sister would feel happy. Who knew it might help Alvira move on from one of those bastards who were so shameless.

"Bara, you're kicking me to go home?" asked Nusa which made El immediately blink his eyes and returned to the real world.

El straightened up in a sitting position, then looked at the girl beside him with a crooked smile.

"Tomorrow go to school with me."

Nusa widened her eyes. She was quite traumatized by what happened to her today, it all started with being bullied for going to school with this man who has a lot of fans. "Huh? No, Bara. I can go with Rehan and my brother to work, seriously!" She said while giving the peace symbol formed by her fingers.

Seeing Nusa who showed frightened eyes, he immediately cupped the girl's face with both hands. "Don't be afraid anymore," he muttered while showing a small smile for Nusa. He didn't even understand why he did that, but he felt that a smile could heal a person's restless and even sad heart.

As a result of El's actions, Nusa's body froze completely. Didn't she see it wrong? Was it because of that incident that she skipped and her body temperature was warm enough to make her hallucinate?

"I didn't think if you were Bara, you could be a demon cosplaying as Bara here." She said innocently as she lowered both of El's hands that were on his cheeks. She brought her face close to the boy's, peering into the eyepiece used to stare at people every day with a sharp, even level.

El rolls his eyes, then gently pushes Nusa's face so he doesn't get too close to hers. "Don't take too much of a chance with me," he said, returning to his cold, even voice, as if untouchable.

"Who's also taking a chance with you, I was just checking about your weird behavior!" Nusa said while puffing her cheeks. She looked at El with disdain this man was not as cold and scary as the first time they met. And one thing she realized, has El changed?



"Now that I see a change in you, why? It's just that the aura is different,"

"I'm not a robot that can change."

"Ugh, your answer is annoying. I seriously asked you a question, so your answer must also be serious."

"Seriously it will bring feelings."

"Well, tired of talking to you!"

El smiled seeing Nusa who repeatedly put on that adorable face. To be honest, he also didn't understand what had happened to him lately. All he knew, he became fond of talking in long sentences, showing a smile, only for Nusa.

And what does that mean? He didn't understand.

"You stupid girl," said El, shaking his head. He shifted his gaze the other way, as if now Nusa was not an object worth staring at for long, he might feel another change in him.

"I am curious!" exclaimed Nusa who was still waiting for the real answer.



"Tomorrow go to school with me, okay?"

"What about Rehan later? I also don't want to be looked down upon by all your fierce fans."

"I'll take care of it."

"No, I still don't want to, Bara."

"I don't accept rejection."

That night, Nusa was like a dazed person who felt the extraordinary change from El.

Since when did that man become such a pushy person? Again and again, question after question appeared in her mind. Make her inevitably have to find the answer someday. And if she doesn't find it, she only hopes that El's current curiosity will disappear someday.


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