Waiting for Nusa

The sound of the reflection of basketballs inhabiting the school field, many students were enthusiastic to watch, especially the girls who were willing to get their time scraped off when they came home from school just to watch three cool boys playing basketball in the middle of the field.

No, this is not a basketball game or anything involving merit. It's just, like? Playing, maybe? They just dribble to each other to be passed alternately, just like that without anything special.

Ah, maybe what is special is not in terms of playing basketball, but what is special is 'who plays basketball'.

Yes, none other than El, Mario, and Reza. Seeing the sweat dripping from his temples alone is a beautiful sight for the girls who admire them.

"You want to go with Nusa after you finish playing basketball, El?" asked Reza, he wiped the sweat on his forehead using his uniform which of course immediately showed his flat stomach and visible abs.

Inviting the hot atmosphere, several girls held their breath for a while. Because a man's body like that is very desirable, aka everyone who sees how Reza's body —El and Mario are also the same, but chooses not to show it at this time— feels like touching the abs that can make butterflies fly in the stomach.

Hearing the question, El shrugged disinterestedly. He was closest to the basketball hoop, then threw the ball in his hand up. And... the basketball goes into the ring. The resounding applause, muffled screams, and excited shouts for El to respond to their presence could all be heard clearly.

"I don't know," El answered.

Mario stretched his arm muscles, then walked over to El to pat the man on the shoulder. "Don't give any hope to a girl, but it's better if you want to be close to Nusa, do it before I approach her. I thought when you told Priska about wanting to go with Nusa, your spirit was still left somewhere," he said.

They had stopped the game because it had been half an hour from before the bell went home until it had passed 10 minutes after the bell rang and they just decided to take a break now, except before going home there was a prayer reading together which of course they stopped the game first.

El raised one eyebrow. "I didn't give Nusa any hope." Still adamant, it was clear that he was serious about what he said, stone-hearted.

Reza chuckled, lowering Mario's hand from Farel's shoulder. "Come on, Mario. You know that El is insensitive, he doesn't even know a girl's feelings. So it's only natural that he feels his invitation doesn't give Nusa any hope."

"Yes, Nusa is better for me, after all with El there is no clarity. Recently, going to school, going home, going, with Nusa, but there is no clarity between them," said Mario again.

El sighed. He is only interested in studying, interested in taking care of Alvira for his little sister's happiness, and does his interest include dating? Sorry, he doesn't think so.

"Just take it."

"I'll take Nusa from you, you're angry."



"The one who asked."

After saying that, El felt like he had won over Mario. To be honest, this man was very noisy. He stepped aside and sat on the sidelines, luckily the weather wasn't hot, cool but no sign of wanting to rain.


Yeah, who else is crazy if not Mario? He shouted like that, yes, he intended to disperse the people who still wanted to watch them, even though they were done.

El narrowed his eyes, his patience deepening after that. If Mario wasn't his friend, he could have punched the man because he had said a word full of deceit.

"Who loves whom?" El asked in a cold tone.

Reza chose to be silent watching the pleasures of the world when he found out that Mario was on the red list in El's mind right now, a red list alias frustration at that guy.

Mario turned his head, he wasn't afraid of El at all, sorry. What is shown is only an innocent face, coupled with a smirk that looks annoying. "What's wrong with you, El? Sometimes it makes your fans happy even if it's a lie, don't you want to?

"Not," replied El.

Reza chuckled a little, then extended his hand towards El. "Get up, let's go home. What are you doing here anyway, the atmosphere will be different," he said as he looked around, which was suddenly quiet, perhaps one or two people were still passing by.

Mario nodded his head, agreeing with what Reza said. "Yes, it's true what Reza said, let's go home, El. It's not funny when suddenly I'm in another dimension."

Reza suddenly held back his laughter. "Let it go, you are single and don't sell well in this world. Yes, if in another dimension there is a figure attached to your heart, let it fill your solitude."

El rolled his eyes, then got up from his seat by grabbing Reza's hand as a support to stand up. "Let's go home."

The three of them immediately took their respective bags which were also placed on the side of the field, just slung over their backs like students in general.

Arriving at the parking lot, El, Mario, and Reza were already on their motorbikes.

"Where's Nusa, huh? I haven't seen her since." Mario asked, looking around. The reason is, they haven't seen Nusa since school, the three of them missed the last lesson until it was time to go home.

"Probably back home," El replied feeling unconcerned but knowing that he was also a little worried.

Reza raised an eyebrow. "But usually Nusa before going home has to say goodbye to us, right? Even if she wanted to say goodbye, she would have watched us basketball practice first, she would be waiting for us on the sidelines."

El just digested the words of his friends without meaning to say that possibility.

Mario nodded his head, agreeing with what Reza said. "Yeah, that's right, Reza, I thought so too. I think she's still at school, El, check your cell phone."

El sighed but continued to carry out Mario's orders to check his cellphone. He checked if there was a message from Nusa or what? Yes, because he didn't open his cellphone earlier and just put it in his bag, because if he put his cellphone in his pants pocket while playing basketball, it could be dangerous if the cellphone might fall.

"If there is a message from Nusa, read El."

| message room |


Hey Bara? Where are you? This is the last lesson, but you haven't returned to class yet.


We're going together as you said, right? I told Rehan not to pick me up today.

| message room ends |

"Well the meaning of the answer to the message, you have to wait for him here, don't go home yet. If you come back and no one picks up Nusa, then the school will be quieter, what will happen to Nusa? Could he be robbed or—"

"Stop talking, fine, I'll wait for her."

Now at the same time, Priska and her two friends are doing their thing to Nusa.


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