El Knows His Mistakes

"Those are the characteristics of people who are not enthusiastic about life."

Everyone turned their heads towards someone who had just entered the house. El is seen with a straight face walking towards the bustling living room, his bag just slung over one shoulder.

Trying to ignore Mario's words, El just walked away without answering a single word.

"If Bara always has his period every day, so you don't need to be reprimanded, I'm sure he will come right in without permission like usual." The one who said this was Alvira. Who else is brave with El besides this one girl?

Why put the word 'everyone' when turning to El who just came home? Because in the living room there are Reza and Mario —who is always here— and there is also Alvira and her group of girls who seem to be holding their breath meeting three handsome men at once.

El rolled his eyes. "Does not matter." After that, he only climbed the stairs one by one to get to the second floor, right where his favorite room was.

Turned the doorknob, then entered the room and closed the door tightly again. He took off his shoes in any direction, his bag just flew and landed right on the Mocca-colored fur carpet on the floor of his room.

He untied the tie that had been around his neck almost all day, and don't forget to throw it away too, just like he did with his bag. The nature of the men is indeed messy, the plus point is that El has a housekeeper who can clean up her messy room in an instant, so there's no need to step in to clean it yourself.

The feeling somehow felt bad. His hands moved to take the phone in his pocket, then plopped down on the bed and immediately felt his back being pampered after almost a day of being a student.

Checked the phone again, and… the same thing. There is no news whatsoever from Nusa. "Where is he?" he asked himself.

Feeling his way of thinking was starting to get weird, El finally shook his head repeatedly and took the phone from his grip. "Why care about Nusa's whereabouts?"

"At least she's back home."

It's as simple as El thinks, moreover he's a guy who doesn't want to be complicated. So, being contacted or not isn't something that benefits or harms him, right?

"Knock knock knock, PACKAGE!"

Well, don't ask, don't guess, who else if not two humans who like to enter El's life with all its randomness? Yes, Reza and Mario.

"Come in!" El exclaimed.

The door opened, knowing his best friend. Moreover, their voices have been recorded very clearly in the brain, so there is no need to guess wrongly that the person is not his two friends.

"Is that all you said?" said Mario, walking towards El with his feet stomping as if sulking.

Hey, even El doesn't know anything. Even now he was raising one eyebrow in confusion. "Then what should I answer?" He asked.

Reza closed the door, then followed Mario who walked towards the owner of the room, the difference was that he didn't protest like Mario. "We were planning to make a video like the one that's going viral, we knocked on the door and you said 'package' not 'come in like that," he explained.

El thought there was something important, or something else that made him have to say a different answer, but there was nothing to mask the 'interest'.

"Not important," replied El who chose not to understand what Reza and Mario wanted to do. He knows the trend because on social media, the videos that Mario and Reza want to make often appear on the homepage.

Mario chuckled, then without any warning immediately jumped onto El's bed and lay down next to the cold man. Reza also lay down because, to be honest school today was very tired, but the way he climbed into El's bed was certainly calm, unlike his other friends.

"Huh, is it true that Nusa has returned home? I kind of suspect she's still in school,"

Suddenly, there was a change of topic.

El shrugged his shoulders slightly, a sign that he wasn't sure either. "At first I thought so too," he answered in a tone that sounded like he couldn't help it.

Reza looked at El, very deeply. Then he blinked his eyes when he saw the glint of anxiety behind his best friend's eyes. "El, are you sure Nusa is back home?" he asked, squinting his eyes, searching for the truth that was so hard to guess. El's expression was cold and very flat.

El sighed, then pushed his body away from Mario who had been attached to him for some time. "You're busy," he said, indicating that he was reluctant to answer.

Now it's Reza's turn to interrogate El, for fear that Nusa hasn't arrived home yet. "Are you sure, El? If you don't want to be honest with Mario, you'd better be honest with me, who is still sane," he said seriously, because he knew Nusa quite well, an obedient girl even though she said she didn't want to ride a motorbike with El, she would still do it.

El stared straight ahead as if he was dreaming. There is a bit of worry that shouldn't be present because Nusa is none other than a girl who is curious about her life.

"Do you want pizza or not? or want Ramen?" Finally, El decided to change the subject.

Mario is indeed number one when it comes to food, he immediately nodded his head, he became excited to feed his stomach with the next menu. But not with Reza, he prefers to change his sitting position to be cross-legged on the bed.

"You know how angry Rehan would be if something terrible happened to Nusa? Especially when it's about Nusa, you could be killed in another way."


"That's not what I meant."

"I'm in charge of Nusa."

"And now what's the evidence? Is it true that Nusa has arrived at her house? You only need to answer seriously, but from earlier all I got was your answer which was full of doubts."

El took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. Naturally, he often argues about differences of opinion with Reza, but this time they argue because of Nusa. "No, actually I'm not sure she's home yet."

Reza and Mario looked at El with wide eyes. Reza shook his head, while Mario, who started to change his sleeping position, sat right next to Reza.

"El, are you right? How come you can just sit and relax on the bed when you know that the girl Rehan entrusted to you hasn't arrived at your destination yet?" This time it was Mario who spoke. He was sure that El was not the type to leave a girl alone, especially since the two of them had been monitoring for about 10 minutes secretly and El was still loyal to his motorbike waiting for Nusa.

Reza sighed, all conversations would end quickly if handled with a cool head. "Can you tell me? I'm sure you won't leave Nusa carelessly."

El nodded his head. "Priska said that if Nusa had gone home early, he also didn't tell me, even though he said he had a schedule for cleaning classes today."

"And you believe what Priska said?"


"That's your name, you idiot!" Reza spelled harsh words very clearly.

Okay, so far El knows his mistake.

Next chapter