Looking for Nusa

"I don't know, Rehan."

El looks at Rehan seriously, he has been interrogated since coming as if he is the one at fault. He didn't know if Nusa didn't get to his house, he had done his job waiting for the girl but didn't show up until he got information from Priska that Nusa had returned.

This time only El arrived at Rehan's house, Reza and Mario had not yet arrived. Perhaps this would give the two of them some free time to talk.

Rehan sighed, then looked at El with teary eyes. "Please El, in a situation like this, don't answer my question curtly. I need an explanation, and from now on you must answer it seriously," he said as he reached out to place it on the shoulder of the man in front of him.

El nodded his head, his face still blank but he was going to say it in a long sentence. Inhale first, then exhale slowly.

"I've been waiting in the school parking lot, according to my promise to look after her. Then when the bell rang I was still on the basketball court, and Nusa also said she could be part of cleaning class today, she told me. And because she didn't want to be seen close to me, during recess, she told me to immediately wait in the parking lot during school hours."

El starts to explain what according to his point of view, he looks at Rehan as if giving him the toughness he has. I don't know, El doesn't know how the guy is feeling right now but maybe Rehan is worried?

Take another breath to continue the story. "If you don't believe me, you can ask Reza and Mario, I've been waiting for Nusa according to your orders. But I've been waiting for a long time, and the school is getting quieter. Then I saw my classmate and her two friends, I asked her, and she said Nusa returned home without my knowledge." he continued, explaining in detail, according to Rehan's wishes. But still, the look on his face was flat and expressionless of course.

Rehan listens, and it seems El has finished his story. "And you believe it?" he asked, shaking his head, surprised by this one man.

"Han, why do I believe it? Because the school atmosphere is quiet, and what I know is that Nusa hasn't got extracurriculars so there aren't any after-school activities."

"You need to remember El, I never allowed Nusa to take public transportation, whatever it was. I forbade it, so how do you know Nusa's extracurricular activities or even at least you know that if Nusa uses an online vehicle you can take her home."

El blinked his eyes three times, if it's like this, is it his fault or what?

"I don't know, Han."

"You are too ignorant to be around, if my little sister is in trouble, you are the first person I will hit."

When it comes to beatings, El personally is not afraid, nor does he see Rehan as an employee who if he acts rudely can complain and be fired. He is still a real man, without bringing up status.

El nodded his head, he was willing to take responsibility. From the start, it was also said that he had a desire to protect Nusa. "Okay, you can do anything with me. But if Nusa is okay, let me take care of her, really take care of her."

"Can I trust you?"

"What proof do you want from me?"

"Change your character, can you promise?"

Rehan's words did sound a little irritated with El, but that didn't mean he was accusing this man. Because he also regretted having let someone else take care of his beloved sister. While he? He is busy in his world.

El froze, to change nature is not an easy thing, moreover, he changed it just for a Nusa. Only? It seemed too trivial since he wasn't quick to make sure Nusa was still at school, that one girl could be in trouble.



Suddenly, El's words were cut off. Mario's loud voice began to fill the living room, making El and Rehan turn to the source of the sound.

Rehan nodded his head. "But don't scream, it's getting late." He reminded him. After all, Mario liked the habit of shouting, not knowing the place and time.

Mario just smirked, then hugged Reza affectionately. "Come on Reza, let's go find our little girl. The pride of the three handsome boys at school," he said.

El, Reza, and Mario take good care of Nusa. Accepting the girl gracefully even though El always feels uncomfortable with new people, he gets used to talking and even keeps Nusa from Priska.

Reza snapped his fingers. "Priska!" Suddenly, he shouted. Making everyone turn to look at him in unison, let alone raise one eyebrow too.

El looked at Reza. "It means?"

Mario released the hug from Reza's shoulder, then shuddered in horror. "What are you doing? Who else should be suspected besides her?"

As for Rehan, he was confused because he didn't know the name mentioned by Reza. So, he prefers to be quiet and listen.

Reza patted Mario's head lightly. "Isn't it a coincidence that your brain works fine? Good, that's what I meant." He answered with a wide smile, feeling like he got an explanation from his words.

"Then? What should we do?" El and Mario asked in unison.

"El said he came to Priska and asked the girl. Priska told El that Nusa had come home, how about we go to Priska's house instead?" Reza replied while he was giving advice.

El nodded his head. "You're smart, come on it's a great achievement." Then, without further ado, he immediately got up from his seat and walked towards the main door of the house.

The others followed, as did Rehan, whose body was already wearing a leather jacket and the keys to his motorbike were in his hands. Of course, they ride their motorbikes, Reza and Mario also do the same if these two men make excuses to look cool —especially since their motorbikes are men's motorbikes, of course, they will feel cooler with handsome faces—.

Rehan grabbed El's hand, stopping the man's steps which automatically stopped them too.

"And what now?" El asked.

There was a glint of concern that was still very clearly visible in Rehan's eyes when he had not seen Nusa yet, and at the same time, he did not feel calm.

El knows how Rehan feels, though he doesn't fully know. He took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "I know how you feel, but remember that we are responsible for each other, no one will run away. You don't have to worry, I know Nusa is great, nothing will happen," he said, then gave a little smile yes even though it looked faint.

Reza and Mario nudged each other, he had never heard El talk so long, let alone talk about women. They can hear El talk for a long time only during speeches, class presentations, and other school activities that require long words to speak without being short.

Rehan smiled, then immediately gave a short hug like a male characteristic to El. "Thank you, let's go to the girl's house you three mean."

Next chapter