El Change: Promise

"Get out of the way or I'll kick you?!"

El was so irritated by a large number of students gathering that instead of helping, he finally let out a loud and scary voice.

Finally, thanks to his screams, the students immediately gave themselves access to walking closer and arrived at the women's locker which was indeed the place where the screams of a woman asking for help came from.

"Excuse me ALL, HANDSOME BOYS WANT TO GET THROUGH!" Mario shouted the same as El before in a loud voice, running through the crowd as Reza followed behind him.

"GIVE ME THE WAY!" shouted Reza who dismissed a line of men who were known to be naughty, who blocked his way, making him miss Mario, who unfortunately walked very fast.

Chasing Mario breathlessly, don't get me wrong, this swimming room is huge, maybe even half the size of a football field in a soccer stadium, but maybe this illustration is an exaggeration.

The two of them had already entered the girl's locker and were very surprised by what they found.

"Nusa..." Mario and Reza muttered at the same time.

He was so panicked, El immediately carried his body from home, bridal style, after removing the backpack that this girl was still wearing. "You two bring Nusa bags," he ordered Reza and Mario.

He looked frantically at Nusa who was unconscious with a pale face, not to mention the dried blood coming out of his nose. "Hey, wake up," he whispered in a choked voice.

El's chest felt tight, this was the first time his facial expression was seen and it was enough to make the students surprised and immediately conclude that Nusa is a special girl that El has, like the news circulating so far, it turns out to contain elements of truth and not just a hoax.

"I'm here for you, please wake up," he said as he walked frantically, past the students who were now happily making way for El to pass.

El's breath hitched, he couldn't bear to see Nusa, who used to talk a lot and ask a lot of questions, was now silent with a cold body. "Sorry, I'm sorry."

No matter how many people there were, dozens of students watched him grieve with a series of touching sentences. He didn't care that the 'frozen' status stuck to his body was destroyed just because of a Nusa, he was really worried now.

Out of the swimming room followed by Mario and Reza who were escorted from behind. They also can't deny that they are worried about death with Nusa, but can't walk side by side like a line and choose to walk behind El with a heart full of worries.

"I didn't know you were still at school..." El mumbled again, his mouth talking but his eyes once or twice turned to Nusa hoping to wake up.

"El, you are in the spotlight of many people," Reza said in a tone full of vigilance.

Getting such a reprimand from his best friend, El immediately covered his mouth. Gosh, he didn't notice that she was showing a caring attitude that she didn't have before.

But, it doesn't matter. "Nusa is my responsibility," El replied in a voice that sounded cold and flat again. There was no need to guess what this man's face looked like the first time he looked confused.

In silence, Mario and Reza were happy to see El's changes which indirectly had a very good influence on Nusa. But the situation is impossible to discuss now, not the right time.

Finally, they entered the School Health Unit with a crowd of students who also joined out of curiosity about what was going on, moreover, they also saw El intervene and looked more anxious than usual.

"Hey, what are you all doing? Don't watch this and make it look like you're watching a movie. You better get back to swimming class, you guys better get on with your business." Mario's mouth immediately grumbled when he saw the line of students who just wanted to know people's business. "Come on, this is a special room for the chosen ones, bye fans!" he continued as he closed the door of the School Health Unit.

Reza was moved, he closed the curtains of this room so that no one peeked.

"It's surprising, people are so curious." Reza sighed.

Back again with El who had put Nusa on a medical bed. "Nurse, this is my friend, please check."

There is always a nurse on standby in this room, so there is no need to call and wait for a long time for a nurse to arrive.

"So you guys throw a tantrum?"

Reza and Mario have regularly run away during ceremonies and hide in this room with the excuse of being sick and so on, fortunately, this nurse is very kind and does not have a soft mouth to complain to the teacher.

Mario and Reza chuckled.

"No, but check on our friend, right now, please." Mario reminded the nurse again.

The nurse nodded her head and rose from her seat. "While I'm checking, one of you can order hot tea. The rest please sit and wait,"

"Let me buy some hot tea," said Mario who opted out of this room to order hot tea.

Only El and Reza were sitting on folding chairs, a bit far from Nusa's mattress, which was now covered by a turquoise green curtain covering it.

"Nusa will be fine, El," said Reza who felt El's sadness, especially seeing his friend with a sad expression that was rarely shown other than his flat face.

El sighed, then slowly nodded his head. "I know."

"Don't blame yourself, El."

Instead, now El shook his head. "No, it's still my fault."

"The more you blame yourself, the more you feel you don't deserve to take care of Nusa, believe me. If you have felt like that later, who will take care of Nusa?"

"You and Mario will always be there for Nusa."

"What if I'm busy showing Alvira how much I love her? What happens if she thinks I care more about Nusa?"

"Mario can take care of Nusa."

"Are you sure you told Mario to take care of Nusa? If I don't believe you. Mario is a man who can't be serious and always jokes, it's impossible to be trusted to take care of Nusa who is as active as possible."

El likes being slapped with reality, but he doesn't like being cornered. He looked at Reza who was sitting beside him, then massaged his forehead slowly. "I do not know what to say," he said suddenly into a voice at a low volume.

Reza smiled, placing his right hand on El's right shoulder. "We will find out who caused all this, we will help protect Nusa," he said reassuringly.

"Yes, Reza."

"After this incident, prove to Nusa that you can take care of her better than this."

"Yes, I promise," El said earnestly. In the School Health Unit room which smelled of medicine, El promised to take care of a Nusa who was currently lying weakly and was allegedly locked in a locker from yesterday until earlier.

"Prove it El, I don't want you to be like the cowardly Bian."

"Don't compare me to a jerk like Bian, Reza."

"Then show me if you can!"

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