Priska And Her Two Friends' Plans

"Then how about we go to jail? I don't want my youth to be spent in prison."

"Right. I agree with Nika, I also don't want my youth to be lost because it was spent in prison."

"Surely we will also be expelled from school, even worse, we will be ostracized by the community."

"No, I can't if I am ostracized by society. Where do I want to put this pretty face?"

"Fix it, this was your idea, Priska, we both just carried out your orders."

Hearing Disty and Nika's protests about this situation made Priska massage the bridge of her nose slowly, her head was throbbing because of the sudden dizziness.

"Can you two shut up? I'm looking for a solution, you guys are not helping me but complaining incessantly." Priska's response was annoyed, she had racked her brain for a while, even though the two friends were busy blaming her.

Okay, as the leader of the gang, Priska is the biggest mastermind behind all this incident. But those two friends helped too, right? So, this is no longer entirely her fault, but Disty and Nika are also dragged into it.

Nika lowered her smile, she also looked at Priska with lowered eyebrows. "Then if we are tortured in prison, what will happen?" she asked with her typical sad face.

Hearing that, Priska's gaze sharpened and then sighed. "Please, we're not going to jail! Think of a way out together, instead of you guys constantly complaining about what you two are doing, got it? I'm dizzy with this too," she said.

Disty looked at Priska seriously, then tried to be calmer when compared to Nika who looked more panicked than her. "Okay, I'm sure you have a next plan. You never lose an idea, no matter how dizzy you are, you always have a way." she says.

Everyone also knows that Priska dares to do something, she must have a way out. The type of girl who doesn't want to get into trouble created by herself.

Priska who seemed to be praised(?) by Disty also smiled. She got up from sitting on the edge of the bed, then stepped to the window which immediately gave a view of the housing that looked small from up here.

Want to know where they are? Yes, apartment. There's no way that Priska, who always talks about her wealth, doesn't have a place to gather, right? Actually only the three of them and Priska's parents know this location, the rest no one knows, not even Disty's and Nika's parents.

If they wanted permission to play, they reasoned that they wanted to go to Priska's house, stay overnight, or so on.

Today they didn't go to school smoothly because they compromised with Priska's mother that they wanted to go to a concert and had to skip school. So when the school was about to ask a question, they already had an answer according to Priska's parents' reasons.

"I have a plan, but I don't know if it will work or not." said Prisca. Her face reflected in the window pane though faintly, reflected a beautiful face but full of all bad thoughts. Supposedly, a girl like this should not act outrageously just because of love.

But it seems it was too late, her love for El was never reciprocated. And when she sees a guy responding to another girl, she gets angry because she thinks it's very, very unfair.

Not letting El love someone else, or someone else usurp the position that should be Priska's mine.

Yes, you know. Priska had lost her mind until she forgot something, that love cannot be forced at all.

Nika looked at Priska, whatever the girl's plan would be great. "Just say it, whatever your plan will always work, it will never fail." She said excitedly, secretly grateful that she wasn't going to jail.

Disty is actually a little worried about all of Priska's plans which always have risks, but what's the harm in trying? "Tell me what's your plan? After all, we should also consider it." She replied, choosing to use her wits instead of saying yes to Priska's plan.

At first Priska looked out the window, but hearing her friends say that immediately made her turn her head to look at them. "Let's manipulate Nusa."

It didn't sound like a real plan, instead asking for advice but in the form of a statement.

Nika and Disty simultaneously raised their eyebrows. No hypocrisy, they were both confused.

"What do you mean by manipulation?" asked Disty, her hand reaching out to take the soda they ordered together.

Nika looked at Disty. "Brainwashed, you idiot." She said, sure of what she had just said.

Disty rolled her eyes, then looked at Nika and turned her gaze to Priska. "If I know that, why do you say I'm stupid?" she says. "I mean, what kind of manipulation plan is this?" She continued, then looked back at Priska who was listening to her question.

Priska snapped her fingers, then showed a smile. "Let's just say that the real antagonists are El and his two friends, and voila Nusa will surely lose faith in them. Stay away from El too, and there I have another chance to get close to El, right? My idea is brilliant, isn't it?" she explained as she smoothed her hair that fell straight, very beautiful.

Hearing that, Nika immediately nodded her head with a big smile. "Okay, that's a good idea, she'll hate El later, after that she'll be alone all day. Later she's downstairs, we'll have fun upstairs, no matter if she's in this school." She said replying to Priska's words, although at first she felt panicked, but her mind was no less evil than the gang leader, Priska.

But wait, there is Disty who has not responded to Priska's words. She looked at the girl standing by the window, a flash of disapproval of what the chairman had said.

"I don't agree with your plan, Priska."

Priska nodded, she always accepted Disty and Nika's criticism, but did not accept other people's criticism. "Why you? Tell me what makes you disagree," she replied, looking back at Disty.

"Well I don't think your plan is worth our effort at all, Priska."

"So what do you want to do? Do you have a better suggestion? I asked you two before, and you guys were busy blaming me instead of thinking, only now are you bringing out yours."

"Yes, sorry, but it seems I have a better plan than yours, Priska."

"Okay, tell us."

It is undeniable that Priska and Nika are curious about what Disty will say, because usually she prefers to remain silent than to express her opinion, but this morning was different.

"You two come closer to me, I'll tell you the plan."

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