Simple Nusa Request

"How about you call Priska, El? She's crazy about you, try calling her, who knows if she misses talking to you or something."

- previous episodes


Nusa lay on her back on her bed, staring at the white ceiling. She stared, rather absentmindedly, as if something had to be removed from her mind now and certainly in the future.

"They were so cruel to me..." she whispered.

Still, remember how Priska's smile looked sincere, but it was just a sweetener so that their words would be happily accepted by Nusa who was too innocent with all this.

Now, Nusa exhaled slowly.

Remember how Priska, Disty, and even Nika explained in detail everything in the swimming room. Made her yesterday almost believe they were sorry for what they did when the girls' toilet flushed her with water, but she was wrong, so wrong.

They didn't want to apologize but wanted to set her up with something bigger.

All these beliefs are carried away from Nusa's very innocent and forgiving nature, so it is easy to get carried away by an atmosphere that is just a pretense.

She took the cellphone that was next to her body after she immediately her his cellular data because she had just finished charging after yesterday it was completely dead.

Many people sent her messages. Ah actually not much, there are only 4 men who are happy to take care of her. Rehan, El, Reza, and Mario. But even though it was only messages from 4 people, all of that had made her think that she was more special than she imagined.

Press the button on the receiver, then the phone starts ringing. The first ring is not answered, the second ring has no sign of a missed call, even when the ring goes down there is no answer. But the phone call hasn't died yet.

"Where is this person? Even though I just wanted to talk to you, Rehan, but never picked up the phone from me. If I go missing again, then you feel lost and look for me even until midnight."

Just wanted to turn off the phone ring, suddenly the call was connected because immediately heard a small voice from the other side.

"Hello, Nusa?!"

There was a happy voice from the other side. Yes, she should be happy too, Rehan must be happy because, in the end, Nusa contacted her.

"Hello Rehan, this is Nusa. I'm back, and now at home." She replied with a smile.

Nusa moved, changed her position to sit on the bed, and leaned her back against the head of the mattress.

"You at home? My goodness, I'm so happy!" There was a sound of surprise and emotion that coalesced into one complete piece.

Nusa nodded her head as if someone else could see her movements, even if it was only a reflex. "Yes, I'm home. Hasn't Bara been telling you since this morning?" She answered in a voice full of astonishment. How not to be surprised? After all, Rehan should have known about her return, indeed, she didn't contact anything beforehand.

There was a scream from the other side. "Indeed, it's a bastard young master! El didn't tell me anything about you being found!"

"El, even though I told him to tell you. I wanted to call you, but my cell phone ran out of battery, I forgot to charge it, instead, I was busy talking with Bara."

"Busy? Did you say busy? Even though El only responded to your words a few words."

"No, he talked to me for a long time. I don't know, Bara seems to have changed and became a little more active like someone was telling him to change."

Though the answer is 'yes'. It was Rehan who made new rules so that El would change and not be too cold to Nusa again. Yes, as a sense of responsibility for neglecting to maintain.

"How could anyone compromise with him? Maybe he just wanted to change."

"Yeah, I just wanted to let you know."

Nusa yawned because she was sleepy. Ever since she came home, and when Reza and Mario visited, she couldn't rest.

She was in her bedroom on El's orders, so she was here. He said that if Reza and Mario were in this house it would be noisy, and El was afraid it would disturb her.

Afraid? Only Nusa language captures El's behavior towards her as fear, fear that hides real concern, right?

"Wait, don't hang up."

"Why? Shouldn't you go back to work?"

"Yeah, it's in the back. Have you eaten yet?"

This is Rehan, if he is worried and has not had the chance to meet Nusa face to face, surely all the attention will be immediately directed to his sister.

Nusa nodded his head. "This morning, Reza bought me breakfast. Then this afternoon, I ate instant noodles, with them."

"Oh, are there them in our house?" ask Rehan

There was the sound of a blender, Nusa would be calm if her brother was in the small room inside the bar. "Yes, there is. They want to take care of me, so I'm not afraid to be home alone."

"Where are you now?"

"Just lying in the room, the three of them in the living room watching TV."

"Remember, lock your bedroom door. I can't guarantee that they're not naughty teenagers."

Nusa chuckled a little, then rolled her eyes. Look how cute it is when Rehan is so overprotective of her. Even her friends couldn't believe it. Rehan doesn't know how El fought, who doesn't want to be seen in front of her, but Nusa is 100% sure that El was the one who played an important role in saving her trapped in the school locker.

"Yes, of course, I did, brother."

"I wanted to teach El a lesson for not telling me you were coming home."

Hearing that, Nusa sighed. She knew all too well that when Rehan got angry for her not telling him was home and had even sat quietly in her favorite bed. "Rehan, come on, you don't know the truth, and I'll tell you later. It's only later when you find out that you will take back what you just said."

There was a small breath from the other side, it was clear that Rehan was very worried about her. Nusa is currently smiling at her brother's behavior.

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Anyway, I'm just angry, nothing else."

"It's okay if you're angry, but don't cross your line."

Nusa can also be a reminder for Rehan. After all, this older brother is a boy, and Rehan's age must have emotions that are still unstable and difficult to control if not around someone to remind and tell.

"Yes, Nusa… If this is the case, thank God I feel relieved. When I'm at work I don't think about you anymore, and today I'll try to go home early. What do you want? I'll buy it for you, whatever."

Nusa looked like she was thinking, she had a simple desire and it definitely wouldn't be a hassle. "I want you to go home safely, then cook fried rice for our dinner." She said in an excited voice.

Nusa's request is always simple, and that's what makes this one girl also apply all that simplicity in her life.

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