Prejudice is Bad or Good?

"You don't want to eat my cooking?"

Rehan turned to Nusa, it had been almost two hours since lunch, and he hadn't eaten at all because he was busy playing Play Station. Usually, boys, when playing PS, playing football is the choice.

Especially as a child, Rehan loved renting a computer for an hour, which cost three thousand rupiahs just to play games, ah, childhood is very precious to forget.

Then Rehan turned his gaze back to the television for fear of losing the game. "Yes, I would but later, anyway, why did you come down here? You were supposed to be resting in your bedroom. It's hard to advise you," he said in a normal tone of voice, not angry.

Rehan knows what it's like to be a teenager, and what Nusa is doing is natural because she might be bored.

Nusa sighed, she wore furry house slippers like Garfield the adorable orange cat. "I'm bored, you just tell me to stay at home, it's better if I go to school if I'm just silent like a stone at home." She said as she landed her ass on the couch right next to her brother.

Hearing that, Rehan didn't turn his head because he was too focused on the game and his virtual team. But make no mistake, his ears are agile and catch everything Nusa is saying. "If that's what you think, is that the same as the time off work that I took was a waste?" he asked which reversed Nusa's words.

How what he wanted was Nusa's physical and mental safety. For some reason, his younger sister knew and immediately became close to El, who everyone knew that the boy was the target of the girls at school. Which is a sense, 'untouched Antarctica'. Surely many girls are jealous of Nusa's position.

So far, Nusa has never been bullied. Her friendship from the start was fine even though she never had close friends, but everything went smoothly without anyone bothering her. However, when she became a transfer student at Adalard High, it felt different, as if someone was jealous of everything Nada did.

"Who likes El?" asked Rehan suddenly. With his two nimble eyes watching television and controlling his current choice of players, as well as his dexterous fingers moving the PS stick, it is undeniable that he can also be serious.

Getting a question that seemed as if there was no wind and no storm made Nusa frown, looking at Rehan in confusion. "You mean, who likes El? Who's that question for?"

"Yeah, did you know that El is close to someone other than you?"

"Alvira, it's clear. You don't need to ask anymore, the relationship between the two of them is very clear."

Rehan feels guilty for making Nusa think that Alvira is El's closest girl, even though it's true, but Nusa didn't know their status. That's what makes him feel guilty for what he did.

"That's not it, ugly," he said, glancing in amusement at Nusa. After all, he was very happy with this girl beside him, too innocent.

Nusa pouted at the words spoken by the Rehan, but this was common between them. But who would have thought that? If they're both badmouthing it's a joke, it's much better if you get angry over trifles about her innocence.

"So what? The feelings I said are true, there is no element of lying. I am also honest, according to reality."

"Yes, well then just answer right away, is there?"

It seems Nusa is taking a thinking pose. She pointed her head with her index finger, moreover, her pursed lips looked very adorable.

"Nothing, what's wrong?" Nusa replied. After tracing as far as he could remember, Nusa never knew that El was close to another girl besides him and Alvira.

Rehan nodded his head if, for that, he believed. Yes, because El doesn't respond to many girls like Mario who is actively close to girls, seeing the girl he likes is immediately approachable, but the great thing is that Mario sometimes doesn't see physicality as a race as long as his heart is happy with that person.

"I want to ask you again," said Rehan.

Nusa chuckled, after that he took the PS stick that was in her brother's hand. "If you want to talk to people, face to face, not on the TV screen." She said annoyed. Pause the game that Rehan is playing, then hides the PS stick behind her body. "Well, at this rate, we can talk." She continued triumphantly.

"Yeah, it's fine, don't sulk."

"It's not that I'm cranky, that you don't appreciate my existence, or that it's rude!"

Rehan tilted his body so he could see Nusa more freely, and so that he was in a comfortable position. "Yes, I have already answered, may I ask another question?" He asked, asking permission first because the type of girl like Nusa is very lazy to answer someone's question if it is not too important.

Nusa nodded her head, honestly because she was curious too. "Asking what?"

Rehan clears his throat a little, there's no drinking here, so while talking, his throat feels a little hoarse. But still, he wanted to say what might be a clue.

"It's clear that El is the dream of all the girls at school, even from outside the school many know him. Well, you know that all girls seem to be fans of El's secret, but it seems El is uncomfortable if they get too close to them."

Hearing Rehan's words made Nusa nod his head, confirming his brother's statement. "Please continue what you are saying," he said as if telling the man beside him to continue.

"From experience, usually there are girls who are stubborn or don't care what they do and they can make El illfeel but she does it anyway. In my opinion, there must be a girl who is very close to El, like she is obsessed with having El."

Hearing the continuation of Rehan's words, Nusa immediately froze with a name in her mind. Namely, Priska. There was no need to bother thinking about and figuring out who it was because, without the need to spit out the contents of his head, the girl's name was already imprinted well in her memory.

"There is, of course, there is, Rehan." She answered wide-eyed.

Seeing the change in Nusa's facial expression, Rehan could conclude that his little sister had a problem with that person. He just takes from a realistic point of view some of the things he sees on the subject of negative and positive love.

"Who is it? I'm sure you have something to do with him because usually, the most jealous people are the ones who love too much."

"Is it right?"

"Yeah, like being afraid of losing. Even though I've never been in a relationship, surely a feeling of jealousy has arisen in the girl's mind because you are close to El."

If so, it doesn't mean that Nusa wants to have a bad attitude toward the person concerned. But what Rehan said is also true.

"Her name is Priska."

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