Chapter 25: Ring Fat and Swallow Thin

  While waiting at the hotel, Chen Yan didn't stay idle, he contacted a bar marketing and booked the table in advance. Today is Sunday, he was afraid that when the bar was too crowded, it would be embarrassing if there were no card seats.

  At 9:30 p.m., Chen Yan changed into a clean suit, finished dressing, picked up his shoulder bag and left the hotel.

  Twenty minutes later, Chen Yan took a cab to the MODU bar located on the fourth floor of Sun City Plaza.

  There was a long line in front of the bar, and the men and women in the line were not booking tables in the bar and bouncing wild deejays.

  "Thanks to contacting the bar marketing in advance to book a card seat, otherwise look at this situation, the temporary booking table must not have a place."

  Chen Yan V letter contacted the marketing he was looking for, and marketing said he arrived, right at the door of the bar.

  In less than half a minute, a man of twenty-five or twenty-six came out of the bar, Chen Yan waved at him, and the man walked over quickly and inquired, "Mr. Chen?"

  "Well, it's me." Chen Yan nodded his head.

  "Hello, my name is Liu Feng, you can call me Xiao Liu, Mr. Chen's first time in the bar?" Liu Feng asked casually.

  "Yes, first time here." Chen Yan said back.

  When Liu Feng saw that Chen Yan was not old, he was dressed in luxury goods, and it was his first time to come to the bar, he began to think about whether to kill Chen Yan.

  But after seeing the Patek Philippe Blue Star in Chen Yan's hand, Liu Feng's eyes stared and said in his heart: this is still slaughtering your sister ah!

  A long time in the bar are people, a ride over the eyes, the customer wearing clothes is what brand, what watch is worn on the hand, what car keys, these are real or replica, the heart is clear.

  If Chen Yan wears any Longines, Tudor, Montblanc, and at the same time is the first time to the bar, Liu Feng today is sure to kill him no discussion.

  But Chen Yan wears a Patek Philippe, such a young master, not only can not be slaughtered, but also have to offer him up, serve well, develop into a regular customer does not smell good?

  Liu Feng's heart instantly had a decision, the tone also became respectful, "Chen Shao, today for you to leave the 003 card seat, you see into?"


  Chen Yan had seen the seating chart of the bar before he came, and the No. 003 seat was the most central position in the bar.

  Liu Feng is a very reliable person, when Chen Yan came, it was long past the time to lock the card, but he kept the card seat for Chen Yan until now.

  Before Chen Yan came, Liu Feng did not know the details of Chen Yan, the bar booked a card seat more than 9:30 no one came, marketing the card seat booked to others is not a problem.

  Especially on weekends, or this kind of inner ring of big cards, Liu Feng can always keep for Chen Yan, can be said to be very reliable.

  "Chen young, your first time to come, I learned that you know, the bar card seats are low consumption, the inner ring card seat weekend low consumption is more than 10,000, you see suitable?"

  Liu Feng was afraid that Chen Yan did not know the rules and consumption standards of the bar, so he talked to Chen Yan in advance to avoid some unnecessary embarrassment.

  "No problem." Chen Yan said indifferently.

  Liu Feng looked at Chen Yan's calm face after hearing the low consumption, so he knew that he hadn't looked away this time.

  "Okay, young Chen, I'll take you in."

  Chen Yan followed Liu Feng into the bar hall, and under Liu Feng's guidance, he went all the way to 003 card seats.

  At this time, the bar had been open for almost two hours, people were filling up, and the venue was dry.

  The colorful lights flashed, the dynamic music sounded deafening, and countless fashionably dressed, white and beautiful ladies were twisting their proud bodies to their hearts' content.

  "Young Chen, what kind of drinks do you want to order?" Liu Feng handed over the drink list and asked loudly.

  The light inside the bar was dark and shaky, and after looking at the drink list for a while, Chen Yan looked dizzy for a while.

  "The divine dragon set has it?" Chen Yan asked.

  The Divine Dragon set was made up of six different colored bottles of Aces of Spades champagne in gold, pink gold, violet, white gold, green gold, and black gold, each 750ml.

  Chen Yan had always heard how the Divine Dragon set was in his previous life, but never had much of a chance to try it, so he definitely had to order one this time when he came to the bar.

  "Too there, Chen Shao do you want the big divine dragon or the small divine dragon? The price for 6 bottles of Big Divine Dragon is 88,888 yuan, and the price for 3 bottles of Little Divine Dragon is 41,999 yuan." Liu Feng asked excitedly.

  "Let's have a set of Big Divine Dragon, I am a person who likes big ones, not small ones." Chen Yan said.

  "Okay, I got it, it's going to be big." Liu Feng finished showing an expression that all men understand.

  Champagne alone is not enough, Chen Yan thought about it and said, "Two dozen more beers, a deluxe fruit plate, two packs of tissues."

  "Chen Shao, beer to 1664 peach red?" Liu Feng asked.

  Chen Yan nodded and said, "Yes, let's have the peach red."

  "Chen Shao, you want a total of 91,228 yuan for these, charge you 91,200.

Do you swipe the card or cell phone transfer?"

  "Swipe the card." Chen Yan finished taking out his bank card from his wallet and handed it to Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng respectfully took the bank card from Chen Yan's hand, and after some operations, returned the card to Chen Yan.

  "Swipe it, young Chen, here is the bill, take a look."

  After Chen Yan took the bill, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com随意看了一眼 and tossed it to the side.

  "Young Chen, you see such a big card seat, how bad it is to be empty, why don't I find a few young ladies for you to play with?" Liu Feng showed an ambiguous smile.

  Chen Yan came to the bar in the middle of the night, certainly not just to come to drink, besides, he ordered so much wine alone, there is something wrong with it?

  "Yes, you look for it, but do not put in everything." Chen Yan instructed a sentence.

  "You do not worry, I look for female college students and female white-collar, those champagne baby I will certainly for you to see the dead, into all do not want to come in." Liu Feng patted his chest to ensure that.

  "You know just."

  "Then you wait, I'll go to go back."

  In less than five minutes, Liu Feng returned to the card table with six or seven young ladies. Chen Yan saw the last one from the first one and sighed in his heart: the quality of these young ladies is really good.

  From 18 to 28 years old, white skin, long legs, long waist, large breasts and buttocks, mature and beautiful, youthful and lovely, it can be said that there are all types.

  Chen Yan sized them up at the same time, these ladies were also sizing up Chen Yan. They just heard Liu Feng say that there is a young little brother in the big card, a person and is the first time to come to the bar.

  Now after seeing Chen Yan in person, each of their eyes lit up. The body is slender, handsome, the whole person to sit there, like a nobleman, exuding a deep and transcendent aura.

  The thought in the mind of each young lady is: although there is no good wine on the table, but all feel that they did not come for nothing.

  The little sisters have put aside their reserve, the fast ones have sat on either side of Chen Yan, the slow ones can only sit aside with reluctance. A large card can sit more than a dozen people, Chen Yan and their eight people can naturally sit down.