Vicious stepmother

That night, Gu Liu sent a recording. The recording was not long, only half an hour. As soon as Yan Xi opened it, Luo Yun's voice was heard.

Because of some reason, the recording that Gu Liu sent wasn't very loud and it was seriously disrupted, so that Yan Xi could only hear a few words.

"Tie her up… Drug her… Molest… One million…"

It was not clear what she said exactly, but the words that could be heard made people tremble.

While listening to the recording, Yan Xi was boiling with rage. She gave Luo Yan a few chances to be a better person. But since she didn't want to change, Yan Xi had no choice but get rid of her..

At five in the afternoon, Yan Xi appeared at Room 315 on time.

She rang the doorbell. After a moment, the door was opened from inside, and out came Luo Yun smiling evilly.

"You're finally here." She moved aside to let Yan Xi enter and hastened to close the door with a proud and obscure smile on her face.