You're All I Have

"It's for you." The first thing Gu Shen did when he returned home was to hand Yan Xi the document Yan Dong had signed. He explained, "This is the legal document proving that Yan Dong took the initiative to cut ties with you."

Yan Xi took it and took a closer look. It was similar to the document from before. However, the person who suggested ending the relationship was Yan Dong.

Yan Xi went to the study room to get a pen. After signing the agreement and becoming officially not one of the Yan family, she suddenly felt a strange tightness on her chest.

From then on, she no longer had any family or friends in this world except Gu Shen.

Gu Shen didn't notice her emotion. He only said, "From now on, the Yan family won't harass you anymore. If they come again, you can come and find me."