Chapter 127 Stealing?

He was more robust than Luther, nearly a head shorter than Luther, and took after Jasmine Hayes in looks; not outstandingly handsome but somewhat cute...

But, that was just the surface!

Only Luther knew how malicious this seemingly cute Hugh really was underneath!

Putting tacks in Jasmine Hayes' shoes, blaming it on Luther!

Tearing up Vincent's documents, also blaming it on Luther!

Even stealing money, stealing from the Old Mistress, hiding away to smoke, daubing his books with glue so he couldn't open them, preventing him from attending classes!

Deliberately cutting his shoe soles with a razor blade, making him wear them out without noticing and become a laughing stock, not to mention putting a snake in his backpack...

Furthermore, Hugh had previously spiked his water with laxatives!

After that incident, Luther had become vigilant, not daring to eat or drink anything that had gone out of his sight!