Chapter 162: Candor and Compromise!

Tiana Williams's expression was as calm as ever, with a detached gaze that revealed no hint of her current emotions, still very composed.

Vincent Holmes had seen that look in her eyes more than once!

When she left the Tower Clan with just a backpack all those years ago, she seemed the same, standing straight before him, looking up and saying—

"My leaving may be temporary, and I might come back in the future. You are Luther's father, and I hope you can treat him better. He has nothing now but you. If he doesn't live well, I will come back."

At that time, it seemed she had only said this before she turned and walked out the door!

After that, she seldom returned, and when she did, it was just to see Luther.

But even then, the affection between the siblings didn't seem deep. She could sense Luther's indifference towards her and, gradually, she stopped coming back altogether.

At the time, that was the way she looked at him, without a trace of fear, very composed.