Chapter 232: What a Decent Person Should Do...

After giving her instructions, Tiana Williams took a breath, turned around, and noticed that everyone was still in high spirits. She thought for a moment, decided not to disturb them, and merely waved to the comrades in the cooking squad. Then she gathered her things and left.

The items she had brought weren't many; her black backpack could hold everything, which she had left in the hotel on the base.

Colleagues at the base normally stayed in this hotel during their shifts; maids cleaned the rooms and helped with the laundry, so Tiana had it easy. Her clothes were clean, and she quickly packed up.

She even took the opportunity to change out of her work clothes and into her regular attire, freshening up to rid herself of the scent of grilled fish...

Walking from there to the entrance took almost twenty minutes.

Tiana headed over a bit early.

When she reached the entrance, she hadn't been standing for long before she heard the sound of an engine in the distance...