Chapter 264: He's going to spend the night here?

At this time, she probably couldn't be reached unless it was for something serious.

Kevin Henderson quickly suppressed his laughter and whispered—

"You guessed right. It is indeed business that I'm contacting you for."

"It feels like I've hit a bottleneck. The song for Killian Perez seems to lack something. I wrote both the lyrics and the music myself, and I was wondering if you have time to come over, take a listen, and maybe give some advice."

Kevin's tone also seemed somewhat solemn.

Whenever he reached a bottleneck and couldn't make a breakthrough, he was still in the habit of calling Tiana Williams.

Although Tiana was not interested in their industry, she probably learned a bit from being around when he created music so often, so she had some accomplishments in this area, just too lazy!

And, she played the piano well!

It was not surprising, as Landon Brooke was a piano prodigy himself, and Tiana was taught by Boss Brooke.