Chapter 339: Suitable for Your Marriage

Tiana Williams added some scallops to Old Master's plate as she spoke.

"Try this. I tested a new sauce recipe, so it's not as rich and heavy."

Old Master quickly took the offered scallop and ate it, saying at the same time, "I heard you went to the Forestdomain annual meeting?"

It wasn't until Old Master asked that Tiana remembered the Forestdomain gathering from a few days ago, and... Naomi Baker...

That day, she had been thrown out, and afterward, she hadn't paid any attention to it. The next day she was busy and didn't know what had happened to Naomi Baker.

Today, after hearing what Barbara Murphy said, she was quite surprised. She had thought the matter was over, but who would have thought the school could handle it like this?

Weren't they saying the surveillance footage had been deleted?

Naturally, Tiana was a bit amazed, but she didn't dwell on it much and replied—

"Yeah, I dropped by for a bit. It seemed lively. I thought Grandpa would be there too..."