Arranged Marriage?


CHAPTER 7 – Arranged Marriage?

"What is it? I am all ears."

"That is good. Now," he looked over at Mira and when she dipped her head in a bit, he took that as his go-ahead and proceeded. "You may not have remembered but on the day of your accident you were going to the office."


"Great. Well, we were going to tell you this news when you came that day but umm, you had the accident."

Even though it looked like she was not paying any attention, Jade was paying keen attention as to what news her new parents had for her.

"You see, due to our business deals and growth, it had been discussed prior and we sought out what was best for both you and the family. You know every father want their children to have the best right?'

Jade did not answer him and just stared at him with a blank expression.

"What I am trying to say…"

Mira shook her head and held his hand, cutting him short and carrying on. "What your father is trying to say is that it has been finalized. I mean your marriage with the first son of the Jasper's, Jake Jasper."

Badum! Badum!

She felt her heart begin to pound in her chest but what was she going to do to escape such a fate?

"Jade? Are you okay? Can you hear me?" Mira called out.

For some seconds she did not say anything and just stared blankly ahead.

"Jade? It was Jay who spoke next. "Baby please speak to us. You are scaring us."

"An arranged marriage? I see."

Together her parents let out a sigh. "Yes, dear. And well, although you two have met before, it was just an introduction at the cocktail and birthday party we attended," Jay informed her.

"Yes and it was on your second meeting that his family proposed this and we took it into consideration giving them our thought on it last month," Mira finished.

"Yes and so, being who we are and I have heard you talking about him to your friends before, I believe he is the only eligible bachelor for you. Not only is he the number one richest bachelor, giving his family's wealth, he equally bagged it home with his handsomeness."

"Yes. Basically, with your accident and loss of memory, you may not remember him and so we arranged a visit."

"A visit?"


"But I am not fit to go out yet," she lied trying to buy herself some more time to figure how to talk them out of it.

"No silly. We took that into consideration and did not want to stress you, so we arranged for him to cover over and visit you."


"Yes, do not be alarmed. I know you would be worried about your looks and all, it was why I arranged that Adina dresses you up today," Mira assured.

'Bummer! That goes my escape down the drain.' Jade thought within.


The doorknob turned and it opened, revealing the girl in question, one of their help. "Ma'am, sorry to disturb you but the young master is around."

"Please escort him here, Adina."

"Yes, ma'am."

Excusing them and closing the door, Aina took off to carry out her assignment.

"You see, he is already here," Jay announced again and checked his watch. "And boy does he keep to time. It is three minutes to the agreed time. I bet you two would get along, just you wait and see."

From the look of things, her father was way more eager for the visit than she was. Not that she could not guess why when there were businesses and profits involved.

Soon another knock came on the door.

"Come in," Mira called out.

And this time when it was opened, Adina was nowhere to be found rather who stood there was no more than the most handsome guy she had ever seen in her life.

His cold gaze swept across the room, first to her parents and stood just before it got to her.

"Good day Mr Jordan and Mrs Jordan," he greeted politely but she did not fail to catch the coldness in his voice. "Thanks for having me."

"Oh my! Jake, please do not be formal. We would soon be in-laws. You can call me Mira," Mira corrected.

"I think I would prefer Mrs Jordan, ma. Thanks."

"No worries. There is no rush son. Please come in. I see that you articulated well and you are right on time. It is 12 noon sharp by my clock."

"Time is precious, sir."

All this while he failed to look at Jade. It was more or less like she did not exist in the room as her parents took over and enjoyed their talk with him.

'Well, I wish I would just be as invincible so he doesn't marry me,' Aria thought.

"Ah, you have met before but let me introduce you to your future wife. Jake, meet my daughter, our only pearl, Jade," Jay introduced.

His smiling face did not drop one bit and making Aria wonder if this was how he always was going to be?

At this time Jake had no more excuse and he finally allowed his gaze to move past her coverlet and onto her face where his eyes gazed on her dashing beauty.

For a second there he paused. He knew her to be always sassy and too high headed but the girl staring at him now had a sense of calmness about her.

"We would give you two time to talk. My wife and I would be on our way now. Feel free to feel at home, Jake."

"Thank you, sir."

"Any time."

Together Mira and Jay exited the room, leaving the two of them to themselves.

And once they were alone, he looked at her again and his thoughts began to wander off.

After what seemed like forever with minutes passing by, he finally pried his lips open to speak.