


Somewhere not too far from the cemetery, at a small building there, a young lady stood and watched the scene unfold before her. It was such a touching scene that she could not hold back the tears.

It was a good thing she told her maid to wait for her at the end of the small staircase while only she climbed to the balcony to take a look.

The more time she spent watching him cry, the more different memories began to flash before her eyes.

She had failed to get the address of where her body was buried from her parents and thought that perhaps going to ask from her family, using her maid would have been good.

How lucky she was when she saw him walking into her family's compound and since then she had had her driver follow him until he got to the cemetery but watched from afar.


"My love," the young boy called out smiling.

"Yes, Xander?"

His smile broadened when she did and he leaned down to peck her on her lips before looking straight ahead.

That was the first day she agreed to be his girlfriend, in his happiness he had taken her to their favourite spot at an abandoned house close to his in the garden.

They usually would sit there, watch the skies, while away time and also talk about their dreams.

She lay on his lap so she had to turn in order to get a good view of what he was seeing.

"I wish to be with you like this forever, my love. I want to marry you when the time comes. I want you to be the mother of my children."

"Just that?"

"No, love. I also want you to be my business partner."

"In what?"

"In whatever you decide my love. I would get you all you want, business-wise and personal and also give you so much pleasure when I make love to you."

"Hahaha…" she giggled at his secret confession and finally sat up straight. "I want that too, I want everything with you, Mi Corazon."

Smiling at each other, they brought their lips closed and shared a lovely kiss.

**Flashback Ends**

"I am sorry that I am making you suffer this way, Xander. I would do everything in my power to make it up," she muttered to herself as a tear dropped from her eyes as well.

"Young miss?" she heard Adina call her from where she was and quickly wiped her eyes clear.

"Yes, Adina?"

"If we do not return now, madam would be worried and start calling for us."

"Understood. Let us be on our way then."

Swiftly, she turned on her heels and made her way to where Adina was and smiled at her. Then she looked back again, taking one more glance at Alexander.

"Please, my lady. Let us go. I worry that she would scold you," Adina interrupted.

"Okay. I heard you the first time. Oh and by the way, when mother asks you where we went to, what would be your reply?"

She kept quiet at first, accessing the situation and knowing fully well how Jade was, always escaping to parties and the likes, she was used to this.

It took her some seconds and soon she had her answer.

"We went for a drive and then you decided to feed your eyes, shopping-wise, to see if it would help lighten your mood."

Jade smiled. There was a reason she was still working in that house. It would have been a wonder how if she did not know the intricacies of serving the rich.

"Then I guess shopping it is. Inform the driver of the arrangement," Jade ordered, coming down the stairs."

"Yes ma'am."



On the other hand, Jake was having a hard time concentrating as he would have due to the numerous paparazzi staking him in hopes of getting a word or two about his upcoming wedding.

Meanwhile, Jade was free of all this stuff and it annoyed him greatly.

In the club, four men sat down in one of the private boots as they accessed the situation of the dance floor and talked about other important things.

One of them was Jake. Normally he and his friends did this once every week. They came, ordered some nice wine and just discuss their problems or any trending important news to them.

Today, the main topic of the event was Jake.

"So Jake," a blonde-haired boy with light blue eyes and cute dimples, called out.


"How is your sassy fiancé doing? Heard her accident was pretty bad."

"She survived. That's all that matters," he responded nonchalantly and took a sip of his drink.

"Hmm, leave it for the cold king of snow," a second guy voiced amidst laughing.

Unlike the first, he had a bit of a big curly red hair that reached him just past his scapula with lovely hazel brown eyes and a pointed cute nose that made him stand out.

To his side was the last man of the quad squad. Unlike the others, his short black hair was in a ruffled mess which he left whenever they went fishing as he called it.

His own striking attribute was his similar cold eyes like Jake but his lovely trademark smiling face gave off a different vibe.

Although they dressed a bit casual today, they nonetheless looked like killer gods. Each had a unique feature that accentuated their looks and made them more pleasing to the eyes, all except Jake that killed all hope with his cold eyes.

Still one can call it a unique feature.

"And what should I call you? The smiling or hot jackass?"

"Hahaha," everyone laughed at his joke.

"Seriously? How did your pops convince you to agree, cause you were mad when you found out?" the third guy asked.

"Liam, he threatened me with my inheritance."

"What!" it was now the second guy's turn to be shocked.

"Exactly, Zane. Leave it to that old man to know how to piss me off."

"Dude, wow! I don't know but look on the bright side, the snow king is finally going to get engaged," Ian, the first guy laughed.
