[Bonus chapter] Double Shock.



"My name is Jade, Jade Jordan," she introduced.

"The Jade? As in Jade Jordan of Cambria College?"

Alexander was at it again and they really wanted to knock some sense into his head at that moment but he quickly realized how unprofessional he had been and lowered his head, silently apologizing again.

"I'm sorry."

For most of that meeting, he did not say anything to anyone. He just kept silent except a question was thrown his way and after some time, he started loosening up and contributed to the work.

At first, his supervisor was tempted to facepalm himself and he did when he saw Alexander acting like a fool but when he started behaving like a professional, it was all smiles he had for the young lad.

After all, Alexander did not burst his head staying up and making sure the presentation would go smoothly for nothing. In the end, the meeting was a success and Aria had to say, she was proud.