Pre-Presentation Feast.



As quickly as the blink of an eye, the next day came and everyone became extremely busy at the office. For Jade, she finished up with all the work that needed her input, her meeting and ensured her schedule was free for the afternoon. 

At noon, she exited her office. It was time to head over to their meeting point. 

To add to the flare of the meeting and make things more interesting, refreshing and inspiring, Jade arranged for their meeting to be outdoor.

Luckily, one of the hotels her family were shareholders in had a big room with a projector and all, fit for a conference room. 

At exactly 12:30 she arrived at the hotel, ready for what they could bring her, so she could kick start work and fund them adequately. 

She got there, to see that Mr Drake and his people were already waiting for her. 

"Good afternoon ma," Mr Drake greeted. 

"Good afternoon. Is everyone in?"

"Yes ma'am."