


Like every other day, Jade's time in the office was longer than expected and this had begun to give her mother cause for worry.

She had been warned before not to bother with work and focus on getting her health back but the young miss of the Jordan family was adamant.

"Urgh!" Mira let out a sigh. Just look at tb time already, it is 6 pm. Where is your daughter?" she tur;Ed around to da e her husband who luckily was at home on to e today and had his legs crossed while reading the newspaper.

"How would I know? Isn't she your daughter too? Tsk, woman, I have to, d you before, she is not a child but an adult. Treat her as one. So what if she decides to ha g out with her friends?"

"She would soon be married. Now is not the time to be seen hanging around with those girls. It won't tell good on her person."