Feed Back Day



~FRIDAY~ Feed Back Day.

As early as it could be, Jade made her way to the office by the first morning light and Alexander was already there waiting for him.

"Good day, Miss Jordan," he greeted.

"Good morning, Alexander. How are you?" he greeted as he walked past him, with him following behind her.

Together they made it to the elevator and went straight to her office. By the time they get there, it was like her people had been waiting for her. 

She had Leon there, her secretary and a few other people waiting for her arrival.

"Good morning everyone," Jade greeted as she majestically took her steps into her office.

Turning their heads at the sound of their boss, a pleasant smile overcame him. He was doing that because he saw a lady worthy of leading her crew and not some sassy rich spoilt brat.

"Good morning, Miss Jordan," they greeted in unison while smiling at Alex.