High Pitched Duo



"Yes. We should be happy for him. She ended up bringing him out of his self devasted and depressed state. If not for her, we would have lost Alex."

"Nonsense," she lifted her head and shot a cold but pained look at Cory. "Have you forgotten he came back to work because the Manager spoke to him? She was not the one who brought him out."

"Whether or not you want to believe it. Miss Jordan did. Yes, we brought him out from the house to work while living his daily life in a shabby clouded way. She, however, brought smiles back to his face," Darion explained.

"You guys would never take my side."

"We would but your love for Alexander is clouding your judgement and not making you see reason. You are acting on impulse," Cory explained.

"Her jealousy is what would be the ruining block to break your friendship with him at this point." You should learn to understand a man's mood, my dear. Learn it."