Queen Bee-itchy Melissa



He looked into her eyes and was quick to see the sudden shock in those eyes of hers before she concealed them and showed him her own blank face.

"You said what?" 

"You know what I said, Jake."

"I dare you to repeat it again," he dared her through gritted teeth while holding down her hands.

A small smile formed on her lips as she pulled her lips a bit to the side. "I said, if that is what you want, we can just move straight to the bureau and file for a divorce right away rather than go to that reception or cruise prepared by our mothers."

"No!" He affirmed strongly, putting a stop to whatever nonsense was going on in his mind. 

"But," she tried to fight back verbally. However, he had other plans. That was all she heard before he latched his lips on hers again.

She had her eyes opened and struggled against him, but the naughty Jake did not budge.