Acting Spoiled



He spent the next one hour, reading through the comments in the comment section every once in a while, taking note of someone's point and rushing to check the video for it.

Some of the comments were mostly good ones, some were against her for acting that way and some people attributed it to the fact that she married the most handsome bachelor and now it had gotten to her head.

Others praised her for shutting down Melissa and the likes, while there were those on a neutral ground who laughed ta the scene for the fun of it.

Soon their comments became a war. Some supported Melissa and the majority, his wife. Most even wrote about how Jade had fully returned and awakened to take back her rightful place as Flourishing's City's Queen Bee.

He was happy about it all and for the first time since he picked up his phone to check on the news, he was happy with the outcome.

"She did great."