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'Bloody hell Jade. What were you doing with your life?! I know, tormenting me rather than building your name. Well, I cannot allow this stand since I now occupy your body. Count this as another favour I am doing for me using this body in this life.' Aria finalized in her mind.

"Hhehe, at least I have a pretty face, brains and oh, well check again, my hard work pays."

"What the hell are you saying? Isn't it because you were scared of not amounting to anything and continuing the family business that you married Jake?" Melissa added.

"Are you trying to cover for your lack of beauty and character the reason why Jake is mine today and you are left with nothing? You think I do not notice your claws over him, tsk, keep those short nails away, because I would bite your head off," Jade warned shocking Melissa.