Hold on



He finished bathing her and wrapped her body in a towel before taking her into the room. Quickly he reduced the air conditioner and was about towelling her body when Jade stopped him.


'Relax. I would be quick. Once I get you dried, would dress you up so you can sleep then I can leave."


"Why? You do not want me staying with you?" He inquired, hoping that was not the case at all.

"No. You have a meeting to catch up with, don't you?"

"I do, so?"

"Go. I am fine. You spent six minutes already taking care of me. You can still make it."

"They can wait," he argued.

"So, can I. I do not want you to miss out on your business deals because of me. I do not deserve your care. You said so before, I would not get it."

"I meant sex but…" he inhaled deeply, watching her even though she turned her face away from him. "This is different. I hurt you and you are my wife."