Getting Ready

We went out to a small restaurant not far from the apartment. It felt weird to hear so little English around me. Yet it was exciting. I let Gretal order for me after she described a few dishes. I was willing to try about anything.

Over Chicken Fricassee, we discussed our plans for the next few days as well as my assignments.

“I think I’ve gotten caught up on everything. I found the one essay about Churchill’s actions during the blitzkrieg especially easy to write.” I took another bite of the chicken and savored the flavoring.

“What was so easy about it?” Gretal took a sip of her wine.

“I don’t know. Maybe because it was so real after visiting the tunnels and the other sights. I’ve always read about it all, but it seems so much more real after going where it really happened.”

“Yes, it does make a difference when you can actually see and touch history. I always feel that it is more present than history when I’m there.”