A Personal Tour

It was in the early hours before dawn that I woke up. My head throbbed as though fifty drums were being beat on at one time. A heaviness settled on my eyes. I looked around at the darkened room and noticed a light blanket thrown over me. Gretal had come back down after I had passed out and mothered me without me even knowing it. My thoughts darted around but my head was pounding too much to even concentrate on why I had been lying there.

I groped around in the dark and felt for my purse. Usually I kept headache meds with me in case I needed them. This time was no exception. I took out two pills and stumbled into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge. The light from the cooler blinded me and sent pain shooting through my head. I closed my eyes and blindly reached for the bottle where I knew it would be. Closing the door, I leaned against the cool metal. The pounding was about to make me sick.