
When told that Callie was awake and had a strange dream she thought was real, Santos demanded to see her. His eyes lit up with an excitement he hadn’t experienced in years. Stephen practically had to hold him down to wait on a wheelchair.

Wheeling Santos into Callie’s room, Stephen stood is amazement as Santos stood up and moved to sit on Callie’s bed. The man picked up his daughter’s hand and held it tenderly while everyone stood back and watched in amazement.

“You’re awake.”

Callie nodded at her father and shared a smile with him. They both had a connection that overcame all the past.

“And I hear you had a dream.”

Again she nodded.

“In a mountain? No, they didn’t tell me any details. But I think I know where you were. A long tunnel? A well-lit cave?”

At each question, she nodded.

Santos turned to the others. “I know this place. It is one of the places I hid to conduct my experiments.”

“It’s real?” Remedio asked.