Chapter 15: Christmas Day

"Mom, I want more laddoos."

"No. Finish your breakfast first. Who eats laddoos first thing in the morning?"

"C'mon Radha, it's Diwali and he's a kid. That's what festivals are for. That's what celebrations are all about," my dad took up for me and started feeding me my favorite sweet.


I woke up almost feeling the taste of the laddoo. I realized I'd been dreaming. Dad and I loved most Indian sweets, but this was a favorite. The memory of that rich spherical dessert made of flour, had me drooling.

How I miss those festive celebrations with mom and dad! It has been so long since we did anything together.

It was Christmas Day; the sun was up and so was everyone else. I squinted my eyes open, and saw the boys wishing each other with bear hugs.

"Come on, sleepy head, wake up!" Jim shook me hard.

"I'm up, I'm up, don't get violent," I laughed sleepily.