Chapter 21: Meeting the Giant

We tried catching up on our sleep, for whatever was left of the night. Being tired wouldn't help, if we are to be alert to the giant's changing words or expressions. When I awoke, I was anticipating feeling anxious for the day's events. But, instead, I was excited and full of beans.

We reached the temple well ahead of time. Archon had informed the dragons to be vigilant for his calls. All the leaders arrived on time. But the giants were delayed. We were hoping they don't renege. After an hour of waiting, we heard the dragons on guard outside, inform us of their approach.

All of us went out to the courtyard to meet King Kronus. We decided to conduct our meeting in the courtyard. It would have been rather difficult accommodating the king and his two guards in the temple. Arrangements had been made with large stones serving as seating.