Chapter 45: Narissa's Roots

She walked right past us. I found it impossible to believe that she didn't see us.

*Was she pretending? But why?*

I grabbed Narissa's hand and pulled her to follow. We were almost running to keep Selene in sight among the crowd but with a safe distance. As soon as we saw her board an incoming train, we too entered the same car from the next gate. I didn't want to lose sight of her at any cost. I was grateful for the people's traffic to keep us hidden from her view.

We alighted at the Bergen Street Station in about ten minutes and followed her all the way as she walked towards some old brick rowhouses and rang the doorbell to one in particular. The door was answered by an elderly man with a long white beard.

We waited for about half an hour, but Selene did not leave the house. Eventually, we decided to continue our surveillance another time. We returned home exhausted from the day's events.