Here we go

"Put my sandwich down now," I charged towards him with full force to snatch my food back.

How dare he come here uninvited, see me at my worst and force me to talk to him?

That too on an empty stomach.

I'll show him, taking a few hurried steps I marched right where he stood but I think the world needs to humiliate me in front of him some more because I tripped on the carpet fold and went straight flying at his feet.

My knees cracked, I think I might've damaged them.

I spent a solid minute or two, eyes closed in the same position waiting to hear him laugh at me or at least mock me for my great fall but what I wasn't expecting was him bending down to get me up.

Him offering his support instead of just simply standing there, he lent me his arm.

"Are you okay?" he sounded really concerned that I felt ashamed of myself to even think that I could avoid him.

Looking at him, I found concern spread over his face.

He looked delicious enough that I wanted to eat him.

Quenching my thrust, I scold myself and tried to stand up.

He once again made me go crazy after him but why am I surprised wasn't he always like this?

Caring, sweet, and protective of me.

All these signs that I mistook for something more than friendship, more than just affection for his mom's best friend's daughter.

"Yes, thank you." Standing straight I tried to create some distance between us.

Standing this near to him is not good for my heart.

The years have done him good, he was grown big, bigger than I've last seen him.

"Umm, not to sound rude but why are you here?" holding my right elbow with my left hand. I moved from foot to foot.

I then noticed the movie was still on in the background and just to busy myself with something I went to turn it off.

I can feel his eyes on me, picking up the remote I turned down the volume.

Turning it off would create too much silence, that we would then need to fill the words, and honestly, I'm not sure what more stupid things can come out of my mouth.

It's better this way.

Turning around I found him smirking at me. My attention went to his full pink lips.

Which wasn't a smart move on my part because now I was thinking about biting them just to see how he would taste.

Abort imagining his lips, abort now.

Tilting his head slightly to the right, arms folded he kept me under his scrutiny. "Not to sound too obvious but haven't you watched this movie, like a thousand times already?" I could hear the mock laughter in his voice.

Scowling I said, "It was already playing on tv..."

Internally face-palming myself, I cringed hard. Already playing on tv?

Like, this is the best you could come up with?

"I see you," I could hear laughter in his voice, nodding he took a seat and grabbed my sandwich to eat.

"Umm... these are good by the way," he made another appreciating voice and my mind instantly went to the gutter.

You, go girl.

He looked up and offered the other sandwich to me, my stomach choose that moment to growl loudly.

Embarrassed, I quickly took it and sat at the other end of the couch.

I ate slowly because I didn't want to eat before him, besides I don't want to scare him off.

To avoid talking, I focused my attention on tv, it was at the scene where Marisa sat on the magazine with Christopher's face on the cover.

And apologize because she sat on his face. Out of the corner of my eye, I sneaked a glance towards Alex who was busy emptying my iced coffee too.

Should I talk? Should I mention Betty?

5 minutes. 5 minutes have gone by and I still haven't decided whether I should mention Betty, or ask him why he introduced me as his fiance.

We both are avoiding the elephant in the room.

I looked at him in hope that he'll take this as a hint and talk but no he just smiled and went back to observing my apartment, more specifically the pictures I've put up.

He stood up and went to observe the pictures more closely.

Oh please no.

"You still have these pictures?" He asked pointing towards the many frames I've kept over my fireplace.

"Man, do we look young?" He laughed a little.

I stood and went to stand beside him to see what he was looking at.

It was the picture from when we're about 10-15 years old. Our parents have planned a picnic at a park, it was the start of summer.

"Do you remember, you fell in the pond that day?" He asked and laughed looking at me.

Cringing at the memory, I shudder. "Yes, how can I forget. That stupid dog was running after me."

We were playing by the pond, enjoying and chasing after the ball when a dog decided that he wanted to join too.

It took me by surprise when all of a sudden a golden fur ball was chasing after me, not knowing what to do I screamed and started running.

I was no match for a four-legged beast and I tripped my foot and went straight flying into the pond.

I didn't even know how to swim.

"If only you would've thrown the ball in the opposite direction the dog wouldn't have chased you. I was shouting for you to throw the ball but you paid no heed." Shaking his head he put the frame back.

Yeah the dog might've not chased me but then I wouldn't have seen you trying to save me, I wanted to add but instead, I just smiled at him.

He bent forward making goosebumps rise over my skin, cupped my chin with his fingers, and tilted my head upwards.

I was now looking directly into his eyes. I've never really seen this color before, he has the most beautiful blue eyes, blue like the sky at midnight, deep dark and full of secrets you want to discover.

I fought the urge to stay unaffected but I easily got lost.

"Have you learned how to swim?" He asked all serious but I could see the amusement dancing in his eyes.

His low deep voice was making me feel things I've never felt before.

Gulping hard, I nodded once before he released my chin and moved around the lounge getting a better view of my apartment.

"You've got a nice place, cozy." At his remarks, my chest puffed out with pride.

"Thank you, though you should see this place in daylight. That's when the magic happens." I said pointing towards the ceiling over my little garden at the side towards the balcony.

It is a glass-shaped dome, through which the sunlight pours into. This was the only reason I rented out this place.

I simply fell in love with this the moment I stepped into the apartment.

"Is this your way of inviting me over again?" he asked smiling and for a moment I went back in time when he used to smile at me just like this, without a care in the world.

"I never invited you here to begin with," I said nervously folding my arms behind my back.

"Touche," he placed a hand over his heart.

The way he was looking at me right now was awakening many emotions, many memories within me.

"Why are you here Alex?" I switched the topic so that I would stop thinking about him in that manner.

He has Betty, you fool.

I stopped cold, my eyes narrowing at the man standing in front of me, impatiently tapping my foot on the floor, waiting for an answer.

I forced my heart to return to normal.

Alex's thick, dark brow rose at my statement and I swear no man can pull this off, the way he does without moving any facial muscles, his face a picture of calmness.

"Do you have any seats outside on the balcony?" and he moved to check for himself.

"You're avoiding my question?" I asked summoning every ounce of confidence I have.

"We need to sit down for this conversation." grabbing hold of my hand he guided me outside.

Tingles were traveling throughout my arm from where he touched me, his hands were hard, big, and warm.

"We can sit there," there was a bench made out of cement. It was actually a storage space, but since it has a solid surface I usually sit here.

Dad even bought cute cushions I could keep here, and mom gave me the cute carpet spread in front of it.

Taking off his shoes Alex chooses to sit on the carpet, crossed leg. Patting the space next to him, he motions for me to take a seat as well.

Pulling a cushion from above I keep it in my lap to hide my awkward stomach rolls.

He too pulled a cushion and put it behind his back, folding his hands behind his head, and straightening his legs he looked up at the sky.

"I don't remember when was the last time I sat like this, just to enjoy the moment."

At his statement, I stared at his side profile, to everybody he would look like a dark prince ready to conquer the world.

But if you pay a little bit more attention you would notice, the scars he's trying to hide.

The worry lines, that never were there, decorated the corner of his eyes and forehead. He looked more stressed and troubled, more rugged, more ruthless, and tired.

I couldn't bring in myself to look away from him. How can I?

I wanted to rest my head on his shoulder, intertwine our arms and just lay like this. But should I?

"Let's try this again, from the start. Why are you here Alex?" I asked in a low soft voice as to not break the trance he is in.

"You ask me that Kara when you already know the answer to this," he replied back in an equally low voice.

"I'm here to propose marriage to you Kara," he said in a grave voice as if he just announced a death sentence.

I was lost for words, dumbstruck I kept looking at him.

Am I losing my hearing?

My mouth gaped open, I couldn't stop but feel like laughing, is he for real?

"What about Betty?" I asked before considering my question.


Brows knitted together he looks at me in confusion, "Who's Betty?"

Go on explain this to him, you just had to open your big mouth and ruin the moment didn't you?

"The woman who was with you yesterday," playing with the tussles on the cushion I looked down, I feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

Thank god we're outside right now and he could not see my face clearly.

The air was suddenly filled with his loud booming voice. Clutching his stomach he doubled over and kept on laughing.

I felt some more embarrassment.

"Oh god, Kar... " he couldn't complete his sentence because he had another fit of laughter.

Wiping the tears that slipped from his eyes, he tried to control his laughter, "You, named her Betty?" Laughing again he said, "Wait till Veronica hears this, she'll have a field day."

So, she was called Veronica? Betty sounded a lot better.

"She sure looks like Betty." shrugging my shoulders I went back to pulling the tussle.

A name to match her personality, perfect.

Veronica, I tried her name a few more times on my tounge.

Annoyed I tugged hard on the tussle, but before I could rip it out Alex snatched the cushion from my hand.

"You'll ruin it." he put the cushion back on the bench.

"So, you and Veronica?" I left my question at that, thinking he'll fill in the blanks but he studied me for a moment before he took hold of my hands and forced me to look at him.

"We are history," the way his eyes just lost all the mirth there was a moment ago, didn't go unnoticed.

"If I were you I wouldn't spend my time thinking about it too much." his thumbs were stroking my hand and it was getting hard to focus on what he was saying.

Should I really forget about Betty? Or should I refer to her as Veronica now?

"But shouldn't I? You two seemed quite into each other, what happened that you're here, asking me to marry you," I couldn't stop the way my voice quivered at the end.

Taking a loud deep breath he forced a smile on his face, "Let's just say, we two want different things from each other. Our paths were bound to separate one way or another."

"And what makes you think that we two would want the same things from each other?" I asked in a breathless voice, his thumbs still haven't stopped their movements, and is it bad of me to say that I don't want them to stop.

Looking deep into my eyes he asked, "Don't we though? Don't you want to get married to me? or is there someone in your life?"

His thumbs stopped their movement, and he retreated his hands.

No, no please don't. I wanted to reach out and tell him to hold my hands again but instead, I put my hands under my thighs.

To stop myself from doing something outrageous.

"No, Alex I don't have anyone in my life," I answered him truthfully. What was the point in lying anyways?

He rewarded me with a sincere smile of his.

"I don't have anyone too," he shrugged his shoulders, he was about to open his mouth again when his phone rang.

Fishing out his phone, he looked at the caller ID and went rigid.

I tried to not act nosy and looked away, trying to give him his privacy.

But he declined the call, dusting his pants he stood up. Offering me his hand, he pulled me up too.

"I hope you would forgive me for cutting short our meeting," he asked apologetically.

Smiling back at him I squeezed his hand once before letting go, "I'm sure it's something important. Not too serious I hope?"

"I forgot something, but don't worry I'll be able to handle this." he was putting on his shoes when his phone rang again.

I couldn't stop myself this time and I peeked at the screen, Em calling was displayed.

Em? Employee? Emergency? What's or who is this Em. I was about to ask him but barely restrained myself.

Remember curiosity killed the cat.

Once he was done, we moved together side by side inside.

Scratching his head he looked like a little boy, rather than a grownup man.

"You free tomorrow?" he asked.

I wanted to laugh and tell him that I'm free most of the days, I have no activity except for work but instead, I nodded and responded with an excited yes.

I don't why but I don't want him to leave. Not now or ever.

Too much?

"Great, then I'll come to pick you up at around 4 p.m?" he asked looking at his watch. He seemed a bit impatient.

Nodding, "Sounds great." I lead him towards the door.

"It was nice meeting you again, Kara," he said smiling and lent in for a hug.

Too stunned to reply I simply soaked in his warmth, I wanted to purr like a kitten but regained my control.

"See you," waving he went.

Closing my eyes I slide down against the door, clutching my heart I tried taking deep breaths to calm my heart.

I can still feel him here.

Finally, squealing loudly I covered my mouth, I don't anyone to hear me.

I have a date tomorrow, punching the air, I went wild.