
Pleasure and combinations

"Say should I lick this ice cream in swirls? Maybe it would make it feel good or should I just bite down hard?" Alex was not done poking fun at my expense and I was done shying away.

"Why don't you bite down slow at first and lick it afterward and maybe," I looked around spotting any coffee shop around when I spotted one that looked more like a café than a coffee shop, "Why don't you wait here. I have just the thing that would provide you greater pleasure," patting him on the back I quickly stood on my feet and ignoring his questioning look I made my way to the café.

After 5 excruciating minutes, I was making my way back to Alex who by the way was done with this ice cream cone. Good thing I still have mine. "What you already figured out the best way that would make it feel good?"

"Where did you run off to?" he was in a rather sour mood than he was 5 minutes ago.