
It's torture in the name of education

I read the paragraph, I re-read the paragraph. I went to the next page then turned the page back and tried to read but the words weren't registering in my brain. I paused, closed my eyes, rubbed them for extra effect, opened them once again, and started reading, one word at a time.

A loud wail come from the other side of the room but I didn't try looking up, I was engrossed in the text which if not completely was somewhat making sense now, I stifled the yawn, my eyes were watering, I changed my sitting position, putting both legs under me I straightened my back, stifled another yawn.

"Will you please quit yawning? I am trying to concentrate here and you are being a nuisance," Cam slammed her book shut loudly and shifted down on her chair, head rolling back she stretched her body, and then when I thought she would get back to studying she let out another loud cry and slammed her head down on the desk.