
Somewhere to start

*I don't know if it happens with the other writers or not but I personally have like a million scenarios running around my head while writing a story or a scene and if I was told to rewrite this story I would rewrite it with a different plot from the million or so running inside my head but each time I think I would've ended up making Alex the sweet caring person that he is, I cannot digest a man who is arrogant, mean and downright disrespectful, I personally can't fathom that a man treats a woman with anything other than love and care. For example I don't like the kind of men portrayed in books or in reality who treat women like objects, like they don't consider that they too would have feelings and emotions of their own but rather those toxic men try to impose their decisions on them without so much a say from their side and more than this, where they make it sound sexy, like umm no, this is just not for me*