

"Why do I need to wear this? When I can act as myself!" the arrogance of this pampered child was too much. So much so that I was ready to let Steve have a one-on-one with him.

"Because you don't want to be get caught or worse get killed," Colossal spoke from behind me, as she too adjusted her second hand, dress. We were all gathered around the thrift shop, where we bought something to disguise ourselves with. Our next stop was Chinatown, the busiest streets of London or the busiest street now when the Chinese new year is upon us, there we would meet up with Chris.

Chris and I met during one of my investigations, he was an old navy officer, who doesn't really know who I am or from where I belonged, I stumbled upon him one day while running away and he thought I stole from the most dangerous of the dangerous people and taking pity on the poor soul he provided me with a hiding spot until the coast was clear.