The Private Detective In me.

"Hi." I said, hunching over the receptionist's desk as i panted hard. I had hurriedly dressed up as soon as the sun rose, and anxiously waited till 9a.m when I knew the clinic would be open. I had barely slept last night, my head trying to wrap around the events of the past days. Somewhere around the night, I hoped I would start to feel sick again, so I could give the fact that I had passed out full credit for my temporary recovery. But I never did. My temperature was normal and my appetite even bigger than it always was. I was healed, and I didn't know how. The receptionist looked up at me, a beautiful dark haired girl with warm brown eyes. "Yes, can I help you?" I couldn't help but smile back at her. "Yes, I want to see doctor Kelly." Her brows furrowed and she looked confused for a bit, before she cleared up. "Please check the card the doctor gave you, if she had given you any." I leaned away from her to look her in the eyes properly. "Why?" She hesitated. "We don't have a doctor Kelly here." I stopped for a second, then burst out in laughter, clapping my hands. She seemed irritated when I managed to look at her through laughter induced half-closed eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to stop laughing. "I met Doctor Kelly here on monday, and she asked me to come on thursday." She cocked her head to the side, apparently thinking it over, before she brought out a book, one that looked like a register. She flipped it through, using a long finger to trace the out lines of the book, before coming to a stop, then looked at me politely. "The only Doctors here on monday were Doctor Evans and Doctor Lucy." She said it calmly and closed the book. I put my hand on my waist, the whole thing frustrating me. "Look." I pulled out the card Doctor Kelly had given me on monday and put it right in front of her eyes. "She gave me this, and even went back home with me to check my claims." The receptionist looked like she would seriously admit me to an asylum now. "First of all Miss, No doctor in this clinic will ever follow you home for no reason whatsoever. Especially if you met that doctor in an office, indicating he or she is a senior doctor. A doctor won't even follow you home even if someone's dying. That's what the hospital is for. And this is a psychiatric clinic. We won't follow you home. Also, I know all of the doctors here by name, since it isn't exactly a large organization, and i have never heard of a doctor Kelly. Maybe you got the wrong hospital." I bit my lip as I looked at her, feeling like I could just resort to violence. What is this? Does she not want to see me cause she thinks i'm a crack head? Is that why she put her receptionist up to this? I sat on the chair, pushing my fingers through my hair. I tapped my right foot aggressively as I watched the door just past the receptionist. The one I had met Doctor kelly in. If I run really fast, the receptionist won't be fast enough. As it is the cubicle was pretty tight. I stood up, readying my feet. She didn't spare me a glance, like she had written me off already, until I suddenly ran with everything I had, jumped over and landed right in front of the door, with my hands on the knob. "Stop!" She screamed, but It was too late. I opened the door, and behind the desk, was a male doctor. He looked up surprised, and I froze, my hair coming in front of me, and slapping me in the face. Way to go. The receptionist ran in after me, with the space her pencilled skirt could allow. "I'm so sorry, doctor." She then held unto my arm and attended to drag me out, but I stood firm. "I want to talk to Doctor Kelly, please." He signalled for the receptionist to leave, and then offered me a seat. I caught my breath, and he offered me water. He was one handsome young doctor, I noticed, but I had bigger fish to catch than men right now. After I seemed more relaxed, he smiled at me. Not like he had been frowning at me before, but his smile grew wider. "So, who are you looking for?" "Doctor Kelly. I saw her on monday." I said without hesitation. I had left Tony alone at home. "But we don't have a Doctor Kelly here." I sighed. "Did I see a ghost, then?" He leaned back and smiled. "No, of course not. But, I believe you're mistaken." I rolled my eyes. "Fancy way to say i'm a crack head. Well i'm not. I did meet with Doctor Kelly here, right in this office!" He only became calmer as I lost it, and it sort of made me feel ashamed of my own actions. "What's your name?" He asked, a smile plastered on his face. "Audrey." I answered, the shame I felt from my aggressiveness not letting me protest. "Audrey, when did you say you met Doctor Kelly?" I shrugged. "Monday." He nodded, then picked the phone next to him. "Hello. Please get the CCTV footage from outside this office for Monday." He dropped the phone and smiled at me. We sat in awkward silence, well at least, it was awkward for me, until a knock came on the door and he spoke to the person. "Come in." The receptionist came in, holding a flash drive. "Here, doctor." he collected it from her, and I didn't miss how her fingers lingered. That was what she was protecting. Ha! As if. "Thank you." He said and dismissed her, then brought his laptop over and put the flash drive in. I waited anxiously, as he played it, then turned the screen over to me. It played normally at first, with no sign of me, before I came on, walking through. The receptionist wasn't there, and I walked in. Minutes later, I came out, but this time I wasn't alone. This time, I walked out with Tony, my dog.