Unmended cracks in her heart.

The girl, my younger self was sitting on the stairs, and knees drawn to her, and her arms wrapped around them. She was sobbing gently, and the mansion was dark amd empty, her sobs ringing through the walls.

There was a cut on her knee and it was bleeding, but it didn't quite look like the only reason for her sobs.

Suddenly, there was a small light from a door above the stairs.

"Is that you?" I asked him and he shrugged. He seemed a lot more comfortable now, showing me my part in his story, and as I continue to watch, why I should not let anyone mend me but him.

I looked at him. Was he even capable of mending people or was he just serving a punishment?

I turned back to the scene before me. The light was now only a small glow, as I saw him emerge from the door, looking like a paper reflection.

He seemed afloat, his smile, though, obvious. He had one maddeningly beautiful smile, and I turned to his real self to see it. His face was stoic and I rolled my eyes.