Less Than Rebound

I looked at Tony as his eyes glistened. He numustave loved her. His eyes never glistened in that way he talked to me. Or when he looked at me.

Now that I think of it, I never even felt loved by him. My own love of him healed me, and that was probably the greatest crime ever committed. Against Kyran, against Aaron, against the pack that were waiting for their alpha.

"It was...perfect." He said, dreamily. "Like I have always imagined."

Tony breathed, slightly dazed as Susan moved away a little, watching him, her eyes darting all over his face, as if she wanted to catch even the most minute of emotions.

He started to lean in again before she put a hand on his chest, stopping him. It had been like giving a thirsty man a drop of water. He wanted more and more and more. Even if it killed him.

"This is wrong."