To The Ends of The World

I watched him feel Aaron's forehead for a while, before he finally left him go, readjusted the covers again, then turned to leave. I was too late to act like I hadn't been eavesdropping, so I took a step in.

He waited for me to come in, his eyes anywhere other than my face.

"Kyran." I said, the cautiousness I felt greatly carried by my voice.

"Audrey." He answered in like manner.

"Can we talk?"

"No, I am not sure I want to." He answered honestly, then started to walk past me. I held his hand back,preventing him from leaving. He stopped immediately I did, as if he had been waiting for me to stop him. Like he had been waiting for me to reach out all along.

"Please." I said, letting a tear flow freely.

"I am sorry," I said as we walked round the massive hospital, his eyes fixed in front of him, his hands pushed into his pockets. I was staring at him, trying to catch even the smallest reaction from him, but I couldn't. He remained blank.