CHAPTER 2 | The Beginning After The End

A few days ago i found that the only reason my father kept me was because of the abnormal Quirk i had

but since i didn't knew how to control it i said

' it isn't there '

Today my grandfather held a event maybe my farewell event. since i said that he might be planning to kill me in this event

Kazi : miss Adriana The duke is calling you upstairs

in the waiting room.

"Kazi" he was ever since i came here but for now let's put an act

' okay, can you take me there kazi?' with a smile

kazi : sure miss

The closer i get the the closer I'm to death but i dont want to die so easily

at the waiting room door

she turned back and said " goodbye Kazi "

his expression became bitter. she got inside

" now it begins " suddenly someone lighted a fire in the room. she screamed painfully and suddenly the screaming stopped. everyone gathered around the room everything was burnt to the point were the wall was melted down. you could see what going inside from the outside.

The grand duke came and said " who ever is responsible for this should pay for what they have done "

'huh~ grandfather you should really develop your acting skills'

as i said before if i can't die so easily. she burnt down the wall and got outside since out side the wall was a

forest she got a little deep in the forest so no one can see her but she could see them. she climbed a big tree and was sitting on It's branch.

Grand mage Henry : It's not good to worry Your elders

'who' 'are' 'you'

he asked " would you like to come with me "

she replied ' why would you want to take me with you'

no one knows about her Quirk other then the Duke and the grand duke, could the news have gone out. Grand mage henry replied with a smile " the flower has been found " ' ok ' he opened his arms at her

she had no idea what he meant

Henry : if you don't come then you will get caught

you know

she hugged him. he hid her in his cloth.

he was around the age of her father. he had blonde hair combed backed at one side. he was tall and handsome. the perfect man.

she kept touching his chest. ' soft '

they went to the carriage.

henry : you sure like my chest miss Adriana

' can you give me another name '

henry: another name (smirk) how about kyoka

kyoka : it's nice i like it and your chest is soft so i couldn't stop, sorry

the got on the carriage and went to the Grand mage's

palace. when they opened the carriage's door there was a line of male and female servants. The butler came to escort them.

Butler Feng : my lord may i ask who this young lady is

Henry : my daughter, isn't she too small.

Butler Feng : miss may i ask how old are you

Kyoka: Seven. what's your name?

Butler Feng : oh my, my name is Feng Le you can call me Feng

kyoka: okay butler Le ( Boxy smile)

Butler Feng : my lord where did you find such a Cute thing. miss what's your name?

Kyoka: Kyoka he gave me this name.

Henry : you can call me Father

kyoka : father?

Henry: It feels too far, Daddy

kyoka: Daddy. (Cute)

Henry : perfect

Butler Feng took her to her room.she asked " how come you have this room ready for me "

feng said this room was decorated for the young master but the young master took the room next door. someone nocked and said " The Lord called for the miss "