Past midnight, someone started knocking at the door of Henry's study. " Come In " said Henry. Who Could it be? Cecilia and Lisa went to the other end of the empire, Lucifer wasn't around as well and Feng It's better not to know. a man with honey brown hair and clear green eyes came in, he wore a black coat and a plain Shirt within. he rushed to his desk and slammed his hand on the desk " Are You Raising A Monster!? "

said loudly. " Keep Quite " Henry said clam

" How Am I Suppose To Stay Still, That Thing Can Remove The Middle Earth From The face Of Earth "

" She Is My Daughter You Moron " said henry.

" Your What!? " said anxiously.

" Can't You Just Be quite " said Henry

" Why? " he asked

" Cause I'm Sleeping You Moron " Kyoka said in a quavering voice.

kyoka's hair was messy ' Who Do You Think Would Look Good When They Just Got Up ' she was rubbing her eyes, her eyes were still shut. she could hardly open them. the question that arise is how did she end up here? about three days ago,

Cecilia : Where did you find this cat?

Kyoka : Around the tower.

Cecilia : around the tower? well, What's done is done do you plan to rise it?

Kyoka nods her head " At least It's better than a spirit "

Lucifer whispered.

Cecilia : okay you can go to your room now.

Kyoka leaves and heads to her room. she didn't suspect anything but Cecilia's face tells something else. the next day, a messenger came with a message from the royal family. " What? how could The Sleeping Forest suddenly wake up " Cecilia panicked . " Clam down, Theo when is the meeting held?" Lisa said. " it will be held at Sodor past dawn "

" We didn't even get over the lost dragon and now this, they are planning to kill me. get the preparation ready we will leave today " said cecilia.

The Sleeping Forest, the forest is covered with snow through the year, the forest is as quite as it can get, often covered with heavy fog. it is connected to all the forest in the entire world. there aren't many animals there. the legend say's after the sprite of the forests gone messing the forest hid It's self. it wasn't always like this, the sleeping forest was one of a kind

filled with peace and glory. a special kind of Butterfly

named "Glorious" wandered around the forest freely,

butterflies only lives for a few weeks, their lives begins as small bug but at the case of Glorious it begins when their life ends. they grow out of their old body and the first thing they is eat their old body

to regain their energy. after they are out of their old body their body becomes very thin like a thread, It's almost impossible to see. their wings spread wider and forms a perfect shape with a shining Red colour or a shining Grey it depends on the time they come out. the shining red represent the red moon and The Grey represent the Full moon. the most special is the blue. the Erebus would do anything to get their hands on them, after all the price of only a broken wings is the price of a human soul.....

Lucifer had to go to Lunar Empire instead of Cecilia,

people started burning for four weeks and the flame Won't go out. the abnormal events were talking place.

meanwhile at the Demon kings palace,

" Let me introduce myself, Castro froid, It's a pleasure to make meet you "

Castro's eyes were sharp, he was observing her without even moving his eyes. his expression was cold. suddenly, he put on a smile on his face and said

" Oh my, It's more interesting than i thought, i shall excuse myself " said Castro

after he left, an unfamiliar voice inside of kyoka said ' he is quite sharp isn't he ' the voice was of a boy. at that moment there was a uneasy feeling inside of kyoka a feeling that words could not express, she could collapse at any moment but she kept herself together and said with a shaking voice " I will take my leave now Dad "

she ran towards her room, her head was filled with screams and whispers but it wasn't the voice that she heard earlier. the trembling voices became louder begging for help. she had rushed to the door of her room and slammed it. she sat down on the floor with her back leaning to on door. the pain was excruciating

it felt like her skin was being torn a part, each and every body part felt like they were being pulled out and would be torn any moment. she was breaking in cold sweat. the sound of heavy breathing filled the room. an unknown feeling. " I...t..h-hurts " she said.

tears streaming down her eyes, her heart beat went up. the shape of her body slowly started to change, from head to toe, her body features changed. her skin colour became bright as snow with sky colour dull eyes, she no when we look at her again now it a male

her body turned into a male body not only that but something was off. " ahhh...." he said with a deep tone. " she couldn't stand it at the end " said with a smirk on his face. it was as confusion as it could get

the little boy walked to the mirror and started stretching. he puts his right hand on his neck and says " Gosh my neck is killing me " suddenly he heard a sound from behind he glared behind and saw a black cat on the bed. he sat next to the cat " did that girl bring you. well her story was quite painful I must say " while patting it's head. the cat started purring and rubbing his cheeks on his hands. " oh my, you are quite adorable indeed " with a smile " but you are no use to me, vanish " in a cold tone. the cat turned into ashes and flew away with the wind. the moonlight brightened the room. he was sitting on the bed stroking his hair. a heavy atmosphere. this type of incident changes the whole story.