"Kyoka" a warm voice calling. who is it?"

The voice called again, who? She tried to open her eyes, slowly, her vision was becamning clear. She saw henry in front of her "Father?" the moment was like a dream it didn't feel real neither like a dream what happend the past few days still Left an impact on her. for her life in reality and life in dream was mixed. she didn't know weather to call it a dream or not but one thing was henry was in front of her in one piece. She slowly peached out her hand to touch henry's hand. Tears fell from her eyes she could touch him as well as feel him, this moment felt nothing less emotional than the time she got to be in the family. she Jumped and hugged henry tight "Hello kyoka" he said happily "Daddy, are you alright?" "What would happen to me?' he said confused, he stroked her head gently and asked what happend, she said. the whole story of what happend The past few days, henry bursted into laughter, why would he do that? she thought. She could not understand why he was laughing, she took a look around as it looked like she wasn't at her room. She was at the infirmary, why would she be here?

" why am I here?" she said nervously

" when you Come back from the tower and we went to see the doctor you collapsed because of using too much energy what happend at most would be you went to the illusionary word" he said.

" illusionary world? what's that" she asked briefly.

henry replied "The illousnary world is a common thing to happen if we went into a coma but some time due to wasting too much energy it occurs, simply it showed you nightmares" he said with a smile on his face. "It gave me nightmare because I wasted too much energy!" with a faded expression

" No, the illusionary world showed you what you didn't wanted" he stated

There was a voice coming from behind of the doors, That was clearly shouting

"Who is that?"

"You'r mother, she is going crazy, are you in the situation to walk?" Henny asked curiously kyoka nodded her head

"great" he held her hand and helped her get down the bed. she was shaken as she stranded on the floor.Naturally after sleeping for three straight days nobody would be able to walk propably, walking towards the door she was about to open The door as she got on her tiptoes to reach the door nob when suddenly Someone opened the door and the door hit her,she fell down on the floor. her hands were on her forehead she was sitting on the floor covering her forehead as the door hit her pretty hard. "are you okay" Lucifer asked "I'm fine, her forehead was red it looked liked she was holding back her tears. Lucifer held her up in his arms and moved her hair to see her how her head was."It's not bleeding" Lucifer said clamly "I will take her to her room then" Lucifer than left the room with kyoka in his arms. Cecilia was still talking to the doctor as Lucifer walked to her room,

kyoka asked" why are you sad" that Surprised Lucifer "my friend.. was about to come you see but maybe he got into a Problem

"Are you and your friend close?"

"he is like a older brother to me"

"you must miss him" kyoka said smilling

" yes". The arrived at kyoka's room he let her down and said "Listen carefully, if anything happens tell me right away dont tell anyone not even father okay? do you understand?" he said in a careful way so no one heard.

"Why should'nt I tell father?" kyoka asked curiously

"he would get worried he is under quite a lot of Pressure you see as he controls evil spirits"

"okay, I won't tell him"

" good, you should go get freash You have been asleep for quite a long time"

"alright" she closed the door right after Lucifer left, as she walked towards the bathroom She remembered something. She opened the door and called Lucifer who was at the end of the hallway, he replied instantly

"have you been noe" she said

"noe? who is that"

"The black cat "

"The black cat...the one from the tower?" Lucifer asked

"Yes, have you seen it?" I'm sure I bought it on my way back" Lowering her head"

"could you fill me in the details for what you have seen in the illusionary world? Maybe I can .Then ..... Never mind, shall we go some where else if you feel uncomfortable?" he looked desperate

" No, it's okay "

She gave him as many details as Possiable. Lucifer's face what Looked like Poker was actually Showing a hopeful expression as he had over come a great Difficulty he left without saying anything after kyoka was done talking She went to her room and a sudden thought had came in her mind 'where is Lisa?' there hasn't been any sign of her for the past few days it was as if she had vanished.

"There have been a event on the following day From the Imperial Palace. not to mention it was the emperor himself who came to The city town it must have been a big shot eh?" said a unfimiliar Voice of course, "It was said to be the Place where the Third Prince was about meet about meet up with the empror but it was said that the second prince's vehicle was delayed and in the end he Couldn't make it, oh what a shame it is" this time it's a voice of a women age around 40 or so "what's so special about the third prince?

Aint he jus a illegitimate child eh" the first voice spoke again. " oh my how filthy you are "

"why es tha every time ey speak about eh the third prince everyone ave to argue with meh, admit it he es jus a filthy commoners child he aint even royal"

" eh what?, you filthy country side pumpkin how could you why didn't my just rot before hearing this. he is just like a saint how could call him something like that?" the women cried

" what?!"

then they started to shout so loud that head maid had to come. so, they eventually had to Stop but the thing was the women was too in Love with the Prince. a few days went by as usual. she had no more nightmares They also heard from Lisa who was at her mother's house For she was ill for a long time cecilia was her usual self so the thought that what happend might have been real died or was just forgotten. the time was mid-winter Kyoka's birthday was about to come soon. The show had just started to fall it would be covered with show with in a we few days time But the lakes had alread been frozen to the cone. Kyoka hasn't got the new any news about the black dat she named noe. the cost of the market items rose up to the sky as the whether was so cold that it was hard to cultivated, the water of the wells,tanks and tankers had been frozen so the only source was greenhouse in Floria. Flonia is the country where the main agricultural crops are harvested during. it was decided on the argument between the three big empires Floria, Middle Earth and Nether Luck over the matter that they stole their Commence Product Queen Marila states "we shall not stand this for we are also the Power empine so they do not do this with us" with a tone of unfair self-pity

"oh really Then, must we the Nether Luck's people stand this discrimination for the people of our country are just not hard working? Is this you are stating I shall ask." said Nether Luck's king Nicklaus vi

"we did not say we... Just said that our land is worked hand for we shall claim the..., uhn Florance ?" Florance who was staring

at the ceiling of the meeting hall blankly admiring it's designs of the star elements had a bit of a shock from the sudden call "yes?" he said in a warm tone.

"have you been paying any attention? mind my way of asking" said Nicklous VI

"certainly" said in a confident way

"oh really then what had just Marila said?" Doubtfully asked Nicklous vi

"well, what ever she said she did not revise it carefully that's for sure"

"he has been listening"

Interrupted Charles winster king of Hidera king winster said

"oh hello, you carry on i was Just simply Passing by, was here to meet the supreme emprone by the way. Greetings to the supreme empror "

" Greetings, here to see the drama i suppose " Empror replied

"Truly, sir what do you think of me? Hidera has been having problems as the goods that were suppose to be exported still aren't there, so the whole empire is on rampage" said winster in a serious way.

" then it is growing to be a certainly bigger problem " Emperor said in a worry

" I'm sorry sir, but i quite didn't get it " added Winster

" allow me to explain " Victoria emperor's personal assistant who had been in the room from the beginning but couldn't find the right moment to join in

" proceed " said the empror

" ahem, please pay attention. there was a new agricultural good about to come at the market that was suppose to be by Nether luck but at the same time Floria gave a crop that was similar to the one that Nether Luck and the argument rose between the people of the two empires and we had to come to the conclusion of holding a meeting about it "

" then, what about the Middle Earth?" asked winster

" exactly, what's it got to do with Middle earth? that is the fault of being one of the power empires " said Florance in a annoyed tone

" i will continue, the crops product of Floria was harvested earlier though being planted after a month from when Nether Luck's Farmers planted it, so we are having a hard time to know who stole the idea of the product"

something seem to have came into Florance's mind and the empror seem to have noticed it

" what is it Florance? "

" it not that much of a big idea but i will go forward with it, Listen carefully then say, The land of Flonia is more fertile than any other empire as the product was harvested earlier though being planted later since they have so much sence of being treated unfairly that they should have it then let it be, the Farmer of Floria should have about the important agricultural crops and about Nether luck their farmers are quite alot educated so they should be able to handle the marketing issues and problems with the crops "how about the Middle Earth?" said winster

"dont interrupt as for the Middle we do the divide and sailing" Florance said while dusting off the wrinkles on his coat.

" sounds fair enough " said nickelous

"certainly yes" Marila

"Bhavo case solved" cheered happily winster

"35% Mine divide the rest" Florance went towards the hall door with his coat in his hand.

" well that's not quite fair " said the empror laughing

" that is for i have left my beloved wife with my unborn child alone to come there" he said with a smirk and left

that's mainly how the things began.

"How do you know so much about it?" asked kyoka

"Me, I just know" said Lucifer

" Okay"

"go get ready we have to go to the

south mordor soon."


'a few days ago Lucifer said that we should go to the south mordor for a carnival has been held there and that we could celebrate my birthday there, Father no it feels wrong the grand mage also liked the idea. his wife and he left earlier this morning for Lucifer suggested we go there together but for some reason i feel that something is about to happen quite soon'.