Chapter 15

Chapter 15

"I just noticed something earlier," Pershey said. They are already outside the restaurant and waiting for a taxi.

"Me too, I noticed something," she replied.

"What's that? You go first," she said.

"It's you. You're the first to speak," she replied.

"Will you and Iries mad to each other?" She shook her head. "Why do you seem to be arguing?"

"I do not know."

A taxi stopped up in front of them. Leighden opened the door and was about to enter when Pershey stopped her.

"What are you doing?"

She smiled in response then went inside first. She laughed in annoyance then entered as well.

"Why don't you seem to be in the mood? Are you mad at me? Did I do something you didn't like? Tell me," she asked Leighden. She shook her head in response. "Disgusting," she said disgustedly. "You're being asked, you don't want to answer yet," she added. "What is your problem?"

"Can you please shut up? I'm thinking of something, be quiet, Pershey," she replied in a slightly high tone.

As she said, Pershey remained silent until they reached the opposite side of their mansion. She got out of the car. She hadn't even been able to say goodbye to Leighden. Sadly, Leighden watched her as the taxi pulled away. She looked for a moment then immediately looked back at the mansion. She hadn't even seen Leighden wave at her.

She first stopped at the gate then opened her bag to find the key.

"Where are you? Show up," she said to herself as she searched for the key inside the bag. She punched herself but she could not see or hold the key.

She closes her eyes tightly with a sigh.

"Shit. Where the hell did I put that f*cking key ?!"

She slammed the bag into the gate before she rang the doorbell. She pressed it repeatedly until a maid came out.

The door was immediately opened and she also entered immediately.

She looked at the maid and disgustedly said, "Prepare my food," then she went straight inside. She stopped opposite the door and looked around the mansion.

She was about to take a step when she noticed the tiny key next to the doormat. She took it and put it inside the bag.

"Nanny, where are you?" She walked towards the kitchen. "Are mommy home yet?"

"Yes, Señorita. They went home earlier and then left immediately," replied a maid.

"W-where is Nanny Yuna?"

"She leave to buy what Ma'am Bria ordered."

She first opened the refrigerator then poured water into the glass, then she drank and replied, "Why did Nanny Yuna come out? Why didn't you?"

"She's what Ma'am Bria wants," she replied. Pershey walked over to her and frowned.

"Who is Bria?"

"Your sister, isn't she?"

"What the hell! I don't have a sister, Mia!" She walked quickly out of the kitchen. The maid followed.

"Bria is your sister, Señorita. She is with Ma'am Shirane and Sir Perique. She left her here-"

"Wait!" She looked at her. "With mommy?" The maid nodded. "I don't have a sister! Don't you know that? I don't have a sister, Mia," she exclaimed.

"B-but, Miss-"

"Don't you know I'm an only child? Huh?"

"S-sorry, Señorita."

"Where is she? Get her out of the mansion! She's not my sister! Do you understand?"

"B-but, Señ-"

"Get rid of her or I'll drive you away!"

The maid remained bent over. She couldn't answer or even look at Pershey.

Her eyebrows met. She looked at the maid for a moment then closed her eyes tightly with a deep sigh.

"Mia, where is she," she asked calmly.

"Are you looking for me?"

They both looked at Bria. Pershey dismisses Mia.

She didn't take her eyes off Bria as she approached.

"Who," she stopped in front of Bria and watched her eye to toe. "are," she walked over to Bria's back and stopped at the side. "You? Who are you?"

"I am Bria, Pershey," she replied. She stayed opposite Bria, lower than her.

They both stare at each other.

"Who are you again?"

She smiled first before replying, "I am Bria Ynes."

Before she could speak, Nanny Yuna grabbed her attention. She was standing in front of the door carrying her purchases.

"G-good day, Doña Pershey," she greeted before entering.

"Have you bought everything yet, Nanny?" Pershey frowned as she looked at her after she asked Nanny Yuna.

"Yes, Ma'am Bria," she replied. Pershey looked back at Nanny especially with so much she was carrying.

"Nanny," she called without taking her eyes off the things she was carrying. "What are those?"


"I have things to put in my room, Pershey. I also bought new make-up," Bria replied quickly so Pershey looked at her in surprise. "A-are you surprised?"

She is shaking with annoyance. Before she could speak, she turned and closed her eyes tightly with a sigh, then she looked at Bria again and said, "I don't have a sister, as far as I know," she turned and walked towards the kitchen. Bria followed her.

"Then there was none, now, there is," Bria replied.

She stopped and kept her back to her. "Who are you?"

She replied, laughing softly, "I am Bria Ynes Faith."


"Yeah, I'm Bria Ynes Fa-"

"Oh, I heard it. Never repeat it again. Not good in my ears," she took another step, and stopped again. "Kindly, tell me who really are you? Did you know who I am? Did you know where the hell are you," she questions before she sits down. She laid her hands on the table then removed her eyeglass.

She picked up an apple and examined it.

"I am Bria Ynes Faith De Hjames," she replied.

"Take a sit and introduce yourself to the highest Señorita."

As she said, she sat across from her. The table is 4.5 meters long. They are both on opposite ends.

Pershey first lowered the apple, then took the orange, peeled it.

She focused her gaze on the orange as she waited for what Bria would say.

She scooped up one and ate it, then she looked at Bria.

"Don't you intend to speak, Bria," she asked.

"I'm Bria. How many times do I have to say it?"

She lowered the orange and then removed the bone that was still in her mouth.

"I didn't tell you to repeat your name, Bria," she laughed and then ate the orange again. "Kindly, please, tell me about your personality?"

"Pershey," she called then stared at her. Pershey just stared at her as she ate slowly. "I studied in States," Pershey just raised an eyebrow. "Auntie Shirane and Uncle taught me." Pershey did not speak. "They gave me an allowance and everything I wanted when I was still in States."

"Is that your personality?"

"What else do you want to know, Pershey?"

She stood up, then approached her. She slowly walked behind her while holding her left hand on her shoulder.

"I don't know you, Bria. If Mommy and Dad knew you, they should have introduced you to me then," she said. "Where's your family? How old are you? What grade are you in? How did you met my parents? Kindly, please, complete the answers?" She stopped on the side, then sat down on the bench next to Bria.

"I'm an orphan," she replied. Pershey nodded. "I'm already seven-"

"Wait a minute," she holds back. Bria nodded. "Nanny, come here," she called to Nanny Yuna. She immediately approached.

"Yes, Doña?"

"Nanny, can you please prepare avocado fruit shake?"

"Okay, Doña Persh-"

"And," she added. "Please mix half a cup of evaporated milk, a small cup of condensed milk, 5 tablespoons of tapioca and 1 tablespoon of honey," she added. Nanny nodded while Bria frowned at what she was saying.

She smiled at Nanny before she left, then she looked at Bria who was currently still frowning.

"Smile, Bria," she said so Bria smiled. "Now, you can go on with what you're saying."

"I am 17 years old, Filipina. Auntie and Uncle became my sponsors of my scholarship so we became close to each other. They gave me a small condominium unit in States and they even wanted to adopt me and introduce me to you," she explained as Pershey nodded steadily. "Auntie said, I'm here first to take care of your party," she continued.

"Party?" She nodded. "What kind of party?"

"For your 18th birthday, Pershey."

She just nodded and said, "Okay, I need more informations about you. Tell me more."

"Can you just ask? I'll answer," she offered.

"Your parents's name are?"

"Fatima de Hjames and Elton de Hjames."

"Where are they?"

Bria blinked before she replied, "They're gone," she nodded.

"What is the cause of their death?"

Bria looked at her quickly. "Car accident," she smiled bitterly.

"Do you have any relatives?" She nodded. "Where are they?"

"They're far away. I haven't bothered them yet so I lived alone."

She stood up to get some water, then she went back and gave it to Bria, then went back to the chair.

"Still, I don't know you yet," she said then stood up and took Nanny Yuna's avocado shake.

She was about to leave the kitchen when Bria called her. "Pershey,"

She stopped then replied, "Feel at home, Bria, sooner or later, I'll discover yourself, your personality," then she walked away.

Bria could no longer speak and was left alone.

Pershey went to his room. She locked the door and opened her drawer under her bed.

She first looked at the small CCTVs that were just tiny by the ring. A mini CCTV that she can install wherever she wants.