Sanya find out the truth'

When Sanya lose all her savings, she went back to her parents' house and tell them every thing Sanya asked them please mom tell me what happened to me, who I'm i?

it was all good from the start then why things gets so hard now, please tell me why I'm like this.

because she eagerly wanted know about herself, her parents tell her everything of her past ( which is part 5)

Now Sanya wants to meet that lady, she get curious , and asked about her address but her father say we don't know where is she now it's about 21 years , mybe she left this place,

Her mom said we didn't know where she live but i know her name its Sartha,

Sartha promised me that she never took that fortune back even we gave her money and all she wanted then, how she can do that.

Sanya immediately realise that maybe that astrologer was also present in her party & she did all this purposely,

Sanya said;

mom - dad I wanna meet her just once I have too many questions only she can answer them, Her parents don't want her to meet that lady .

Sanya's mom told her;

Sanya i don't allow you to meet that lady so just please stop she can put you in danger, you have no idea what she can do you just have to stay away from her, Don't be too selfish, It was her fortune and she take it back what's the big deal. Sanya please forgot all this and live like us, We all are normal, You are normal.

Sanya agrees and went back to her friends place.