Trade routes

I recruited more people about 100 as I am planning to have 2 trade routes with 30 people at both with basic military knowledge and fighting experience some. But it would take time. I had 10 men go down to the nearest kingdom and map the safest route. To the richest city by listening to gossip. I then made them hire builders there and teach a few how to build with their kingdoms techniques and then made our own building style. I made mud bricks and had them dig a large path to the kingdom. Halfway and had 10 people hide in trees up the path to kill any hostile force. I remade the bayonets to make their blades triangular. they then placed the bricks the others caught on, but they already finished the gate for the route. I assigned the other 20 to the gate outpost. and controlled it. It was to our kingdom, but our place had many other routes to it that connects but are less known but safe. The fee was 1 gold coin. 10 people have gone through. Soon others saw this route and took it and then had a large income with less violence, sometimes some at the gate.. I then. Went back to the village and made a forum as I expanded the village as I made a council through a test to do that. I made an education system. It takes 20 years with additional classes that have extended time. I then brought an education pack for modern times and ran out of points. And required all the child's and kids to take it at 2 and took a physical test at 5 and half of them where pulled to the military until their 70s like Spartans. Our military was powerful, and we didn't make the same mistake as the Spartans. I had the 2nd trade route made. As I then focused on the village houses and forum 520 feet long and 109 feet wide. We built a market and a political debate hub. It was like Pompeii's forum. and left a gap 200 to 300 feet (60 to 90 metres) long and about 115 to 200 feet (35 to 60 metres) wide for an amphitheater for war prisoners. our building was like ancient Rome. I then built new houses for the 100k people that lived there now. including the military on the outskirts. I made the houses out of stone, plaster, and brick. I then applied them taxes to pay as they now all had jobs as farmers' businessman architectures and builders, teachers instructor and military men, so on.